Dinner Date

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Jaxon had said we would go to dinner tonight with Aimee. I really wasn't in the mood for him.
Why was he so desperate to still work with savannah after everything she had done? I was pissed at him.

Also I think I food poisoned myself because I had been throwing up all morning I didn't wanna go out to eat.

I wanted to chill at home in my pjs with my little demon child.

But that wasn't the plan today, I had called in sick at work, Ria still offered to have Ezmaya but I didn't see the point in it when I was home anyway.
Of course I would still pay Ria for the full weeks tho, she was amazing with Ezmaya.

I text Freya

Sofia; hey babe you still okay to have Ezmaya tonight? Xx

Freya; Of course babe I'm looking forward to it, Corey is nervous xx

Sofia; So he should be, Ezmaya would put anyone off having kids. Ria said she wouldn't have had Cole if she was Ezmaya's child minder before xx

Freya; oh god, it's gonna be a fun night then xx

I laughed and looked at Ezmaya "let's get you ready for FreyFrey" she looked at me, shook her head and said "no."

Great. We had hit the no stage, as if life wasn't bad enough. I told her to find her dummy. "No mama" was her reply.
I told her daddy was going to tell her off later, she blew raspberries at me.

After over an hour of being told no, Having things thrown at me, and dealing with a tantrum because I wouldn't let her take the empty milk carton with her, I finally got Ezmaya in the car.. with the milk carton, but hey.. we got there.

She sat in the car, proudly holding an empty 4 pint milk carton and occasionally hitting herself with it and crying.

Once we got to Freya's I took her out of the car and walked her to the door

"Hey Ez, what have you got there?" Freya smiled.

Ezmaya grinned "botbot"

Freya laughed. "Well lets give that back to mommy."
She tried to take the carton and Ezmaya screamed in a high pitch tone that hurt my ears. Freya soon give it back to her.

I hugged Freya and wished her luck, she was going to need it.
I gave Ezmaya and kiss told her I loved her and told her to be good. She wouldn't be.

Once Jaxon was home from work, showered and changed it was time to leave.

I had finally stopped being sick and was starting to feel hungry, I still wasn't in the best mood with him but he looked amazing in that suit and it was hard to stay mad.

Once we got the restaurant we booked ourselves in.
Aimee and Teddy were already sat at the table waiting, I quickly text Freya to make sure Ezmaya was okay and we headed over.

Aimee got up and hugged me, I hugged her back while Jax shook hands with Teddy.
He wasn't getting away from me that easy. I grabbed him and hugged him.

We all took a seat and Teddy smiled "I hope you don't mind but I've invited my brother Kian and his new missus" he said.
Jaxon shook him head and smiled. "The more the merrier" it wasn't like him to be in a good mood.

But my god did his mood change when he saw Kian walking over with...
"Oh here's my brother Kian and his missus Jessica."

My mom? Fuck..

My mom looked at us. We looked at her, it was very tense.

Teddy frowned. "have you guys met?"
"No I said sharply but my my said yes at the same time.

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