The honeymoon

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Sofia was sleeping so beautifully, I couldn't believe she was my wife, I had a surprise for her when she woke up.

I was taking her for a week away just me and her; I just knew she was going to love it.

We hadn't had time away since before we had Ezmaya and I wanted to spoil my wife because she deserves it.

I had already asked Freya and Ria to share days where they would have Ezmaya because Ria was a full time mom now and Freya worked so it needed to work around them both.
Nothing was going to get in the way of this.

I went down and made Ezmaya some breakfast and left a note saying I had took Ezmaya out and we would be back later.

I was taking her holiday shopping really though for her mummy. I didn't want Sofia having a clue until I took her to the airport.
Were due to depart the next today at 1pm.

I took Ezmaya to a bikini shop, I was asking Ezmaya for her opinion and the women in store was looking at me like I was crazy asking a child for her opinion.
I brushed it off and walked toward's the thongs, I showed Ezmaya some and she picked the bright pink one and I said "you are  just like daddy."

We brought 6 swim wears for mummy, I wanted Sofia to have a choice, now we needed to go dress shopping, and some other bit's and bob's "we can't tell mummy Ezmaya" I laughed at myself she giggled too.

We had McDonald for lunch, Ezmaya loved her chips I loved spending time just me and her but I had been so busy lately with work and showing the new girl savannah what's what in the office.
I wanted to book a holiday abroad for the 3 of us, Ezmaya's first holiday abroad I was so exited thinking about it.

After we were done shopping we headed home.
I had got everything we both need for the week away in Bora Bora.
I can't wait to have some alone time with my wife.

Sofia was chilling on the sofa when we got home. We had been out all day "where have you guy's been?" She asked.

"We went up town looking for Christmas present's for her and we have McDonald didn't we princess." I handed Ezmaya to her.

"Well that's over a month away Jaxon, did you have funny with daddy.." she smiled and kissed our princess.

"You've always got to be prepared sweetheart, what have you been upto today?" I brushed her off.

"I applied for college for next year when Ezmaya's in nursery" she said sounding proud.

"Aww that will be a great opportunity for you babe." I was excited for her.

I always wanted to support everything Sofia wanted to do she was so smart its crazy.
I hoped Ezmaya would have her brains shes definitely got her mummy's good looks.

I prepared mac and cheese for me and Sofia while she bathed Ezmaya and put her to bed.

I put netflix on and waited for Sofia to come down so we could have the night cuddled up on the sofa even if Aimee was on the other side.

As much as I loved having them both there, I just want our home back, but I didn't want to ever miss out on being an uncle, I wanted to take Harvey to see Ezra's grave after we come back off our honeymoon.

Sofia ate her food and went straight to bed she told me she was tired I didn't think that was the problem, I think she felt like me, we just want our house back.

"Did you love Ezra?" I asked Aimee when Sofia had left.

"Yeah I actually had feeling for him he said he wasn't interested in me." Aimee sounded sad.

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