The Doctor

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I sat in my hotel room and looked out of the window, it was a warm autumn day.

I had been on social media and seen that Freya had uploaded a photo of Ezmaya in Costa, she had tagged the location so I drove straight down there and found a room. I wanted to see my granddaughter.

That day I went to visit Sofia at the prison didn't go well. She was so happy I wasn't dead, but when I told her I wanted custody of Ezmaya until she got out she flipped.
She stormed out and refused all my calls and visits. She Jaxon was more than capable of taking care of their daughter.

I didn't think any of them were capable of raising a child. Not after what I had seen and what Smit and Lucy had told me.

Smit was back in with them, playing happy families and acting like I didn't exist.
I tried to tell Lucy he had fucked me but she just laughed at me. Silly woman trusted him.

I decided to go for a drive, Maybe Ezmaya would be at Costa again.

She wasn't, I didn't know where to start with looking for her and Sofia.
I pulled over at a park and decided to go for a walk to clear my head.

Walked around the park I spotted her. Ezmaya was playing on a seesaw with a little boy, I looked around and Sofia wasn't there, or Jaxon, not even Freya or smit. Who was with her?

Then I saw the doctor. The woman that had killed me! I mean she brought me back to life but she was still a murderer.

I didn't even think twice. I grabbed Ezmaya and ran back to my car, I didn't have a car seat so I stuck her in the front seat and drove.

The stupid woman didn't even notice she was gone. Great babysitter right.

I took Ezmaya to McDonald's and got her a happy meal. She kept crying at me, she didn't even know who I was anymore.
Once we were in the hotel and she had her food and was watching peppa pig, she soon settled. Such a happy little girl.

A news story flashed up on my phone 'One year old girl taken from the park'
Shit.. I didn't want to go to prison but this was the only way to keep Ezmaya safe. I was going to give her back! Maybe..

Ezmaya and I played for hours, we played hide and seek and built a fort, she had the best time with me.
I had brought nappies and wipes from the shop so I could change her.

After 5 hours together just playing she got really upset, she just kept asking for her mummy.
I was surprised she had a bond with Sofia after not knowing her for a year.

I tried so hard to settle her but nothing was working so I decided to take her back to her mum, I didn't have much of a choice.

I put her in the car and drove to Sofia's house.. ready for the shit to hit the fan I walked in her door holding Ezmaya.


I was sat at the table, looking through photos of Ezmaya for the best ones to give to the police.
They had took one earlier today but now they needed photos to put on the news. I was never going to see my daughter again.

Ria was with me, and baby Cole. Jaxon, Smit, Lucy, Aimee, Katie and Freya were out looking for Ezmaya.

Katie being an ex cop was a massive advantage for us. It meant so many more police officers were out looking for my baby.

I heard the door open, 'The police must be here for the photos.' I thought to myself as I picked up a recent one.

I looked up, it wasn't the police. It was my mum. And Ezmaya.

So many emotions hit me all at once, I was so happy to see my baby, I thought she was gone forever, it's a feeling I could never put into words, seeing her and knowing she was okay.

On the other hand.. I was livid. I wished my mum was dead. How the fuck could she do this to me!

I went over and grabbed Ezmaya straight from her. "Ria please call Jaxon.." I said, she nodded and left the room to call Jaxon and tell him Ezmaya was safe.
I turned my attention to my mum.

"Mum why the fuck would you do that to me?" I screamed at her.

"She was in the park with a murderer. I'm her Nan!" My mum argued.

I was livid. "Ria is NOT a murderer. Ria saved her life when she was a baby but you wouldn't know that. You dont know my daughter."

"I will tell the police everything Sofia. I want my granddaughter with me. She's not safe here." My mum didn't give a shit about me at all.

"I swear to god I will plant so much fucking evidence in your house that you will never leave a prison cell again mum. Now get the fuck out of my house before Jaxon sees you, and if you don't want to be dead, I suggest getting out of this fucking country." I said quietly so that no one overheard.

My mum looked worried. Good. She had every reason to be worried. Jaxon was going to kill her.
She got the messages because she turned away from me and left.

Jaxon came storming in the door not look after my mum had left. She was lucky she left when she did.
I had to tell him the truth.

He grabbed Ezmaya and cuddled her.

"Oh baby, where was she?" He still sounded panicked.

"My fucking mum took her." I waited for a reaction.

His face was like thunder. He gave Ezmaya back to me and turned to walk out.

"I'm going to fucking kill her." He said coldly. And I had no doubt that he would.

"Jaxon don't." I grabbed his arm.
As much as I agreed with what he had said. I didn't want the old Jaxon back.

"Sofia she kidnapped our baby!" I shouted at me.

"Yes and she knows never to come near us again." I tried to reassure him.

"Oh yeah or what Sofia? What could you have possibly said to scare her." He looked at me.

"I told her we would plant so much evidence of our crimes on her that she would spend the rest of her life in prison." I bit my lip.

Jaxons face changed, he was smiling. Then he was laughing. He took Ezmaya and kissed her then looked at me

"Damn sweetheart, you really are one tough little cookie aren't you"

I had threatened my own mother and Jaxon was proud as me.

"We're so fucked up" I said to him and we both laughed.

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