What The Fuck

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Today I woke up feeling amazing, I couldn't believe I had delivered baby Cole in the apartment lift yesterday.

Everything had just happened so fast and before I knew it I was staring at Ria's stretched vagina.
It was definitely something I didn't wanna relive anytime soon.
But in all honestly it was an amazing experience.

The poor baby came out blue, he wasn't crying.
Ria talked me through what to do, she told me to wrap him in my jacket and put my fingers in his mouth to clear the mucus.

She stayed so calm, where as I was a mess, adamant the baby was stillborn.
After I removed the mucus she told me to rub his chest, and the relief I felt when he cried was like nothing I had ever felt.
For a second I had forgotten it was her baby, I just cuddled him close until she asked for him.

Sofia was over there now, She was convinced little Cole Jax, (yeah I'm smug as fuck about the name) and Ezmaya would be the best of friends.
I hoped they would. I had a soft spot for that little shit.

So after having hardly any sleep last night I suffered through Savannah at work, she wasn't easy to avoid she followed me everywhere.

I got home to a note from Sofia saying she had took Ez to see Ria and Cole. So I was about to jump in the shower, have a shave, and then pop over there.

I stripped down and was about to step in the shower when I heard a knock at the door. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, then headed to open the door.

As I opened it there was a stunning woman looking at me. I just looked at her, I think she had the wrong apartment.

"Get the fuck over here you little shit, what did I tell you about knocking on everyone's door." She said sternly.

I looked around and noticed a little boy about 2 or 3 years old running up the hallway.

"I'm sorry can I help you?" I asked her. It was like she hadn't even noticed I was there. She grabbed the kids hand and helped herself into my apartment.

'What the fuck? She just walks into random men's houses like that with a child.. crazy woman' I thought.

"Hi, you must be Jaxon." She said.

"Yes and you are?"

"I'm family." She said bluntly and handed me a piece of paper.

I was sceptical but I looked at the paper, it was a birth certificate for a child named Harvey Angelo.
I had to sit down.
Was I the fucking father of this kid? Sofia would actually kill me. I'm so dead.

I looked at the parents names, in the mother box was Miss Aimee Leeds.
I looked to the father box hoping I wouldn't see my name and getting ready to demand a DNA test.
I didn't even remember this woman!
She looked like someone I would have fucked but I was sure I hadn't.

Then I seen the fathers name. 'Ezra Angelo'

Oh my gosh... Ezra had a child.
I was shook.

"I.. this is.. Uhm.. can you do a DNA test just to put my mind at rest?" I asked her. I didn't believe her for shit.

She opened my fridge and grabbed one of Ezmaya's fruit shoots and handed it to the boy.
"What ever you want" she shrugged.

I grabbed my car keys "let's head to my work place, I can do a DNA test there."

She got a packet of quavers from my cupboard and smirked "sure thing darling, maybe get dressed first yeah?"

I looked down, I was in just a towel. Fuck.
"Don't move." I said to her and headed to the bedroom to get dressed.

Once we were at the morgue Aimee looked at me "Nah mate. This is where they take the bodies and shit, I ain't taking my kid in there. He already has nightmares about his daddy being in heaven."

I looked at the little boy, such a young age to be told his father was dead, this woman wasn't right in the head.
"He won't see a body, it's fine. Come on."

I walked inside and headed for the lab, I grabbed a needle and glass vial and looked at Aimee "may I?"

"What Stab my child?" She asked "if you must. But if he cries I will punch you." She smirked.

"Understood" she was definitely Ezra's type.
I wiped the boys arm with antiseptic and inserted the needle gently, taking a vial of blood. He said ouch. I was the worst maybe uncle ever.

"Take him to my office I'll be there soon" I told her as I pointed my office out.

I got a fresh needle and took a sample for myself and then got to work on the DNA test, it seemed to take forever.

After a while the results popped up on my laptop 99.99% chance of relation.

Well damn.. he was Ezra's child.. I had a nephew. And this woman was going to be in my life for a while.

"So you're telling the truth" I said to Aimee as I walked back into my office.

She nodded and took the boys hand. "Come on let's head back to Uncle Jaxons house.." she said and took him back to the car.

I couldn't just leave them on the streets, this was Ezra's child.. they would have to spend the night with me.
Sofia was not going to be happy.

We got back to the apartment and Harvey went to play in Ezmaya's room and I showed Aimee to Freya's old room "you two will have to stay in here"

she looked around and nodded "thank you.. it means a lot"
"Don't thank me yet" I said. "My missus isn't home yet.."

As I said that Sofia walked into the apartment "you home baby.." she shouted.

I called down to her "coming boo"

I walked down the stairs and looked at my girls and smiled "I missed you both lo.." before I could finish my sentence Sofia slapped me hard around the face.

"Why the fuck did you..." before I could finish my sentence I head a voice from behind me.

"Hi I'm Aimee, Ezra's baby mama.."

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