"It's just... I'm mad at seonghwa."

"Seonghwa?" San asked, looking at the younger confusedly.

yeosang began fidgeting with his fingers, he hung his head low. "I..."

"It's okay, You don't have to." yeosang shot his head up and looked at him in shock. "You have been friends with benefits, Haven't you?"

"H-how did you-"

"He told me." san smiled, "So you shouldn't be embarrassed, You can tell me anything."

"Yeah..." yeosang managed to give him a weak smile, "You know about the rumor that's been going around...?" san hummed, "Well... I was starting to feel different towards him and I thought he felt the same... But turns out he still sleeps with other people and that hurt me a lot..."

"How do you know he did?"

"I mean... It's obvious. He didn't even deny." San gave him a strange look, "Okay, He did the second I told him, But he didn't deny anymore."

"I don't know if he did or not, Not do I have the right to talk in this situation, But I'm sure he has an explanation for this."

"I don't care." Yeosang reached for the glass and sipped on it, "And I hate him... for making me feel these things and for breaking my heart. I... I thought we could..." he bit his bottom lip, as if trying not to cry.

San just stayed quiet, Listening to every word carefully. It wasn't his place to tell anything about anyone. But now, Yeosang was in need. He cleared his throat before preparing himself for his next words.

"It I told you I knew all of this, would you listen to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... I have all of your answers, but you should listen to me first."


San cleared his throat, "Seonghwa... When he was born, His family named him Seonghwa because he was the source of his father's first sincere smile in years." San pauses, Taking a look at yeosang to see if he still got his attention.

"He was a positive, Really loud and talkative kid. His room, His closet... Everything was in rainbow and pastels." San reached for Yeosang's glass and sipped on it, To which the older grunted.

"But one day... Everything turned upside down. He was only thirteen when he found out his mother had cheated on his father on their anniversary. His father asked for divorcement and his mother couldn't stand it, Hence why she committed suicide the night after."

"He was only a kid when these happened, He hadn't even hit his puberty and a lot of things took place. Every night, He would have nightmares about his mother telling him that she isn't resting in peace, And these went on for a very long time."

"As years passed by, He finally hit 17 and we both decided to go to the same highschool since they changed places in town because there wasn't a night he could spend happily in that house, Nor his father. He got popular for his looks and fashion, And also because he was extremely handsome, A lot of people wished to be with him. But there was only one girl that caught his attention, And she was a grade below him."

"However, He managed to get her to go out with him and it happened. They started dating for a few weeks, And they seemed really happy. She was his whole world. Seonghwa started to love again and started to be the rainbow boy I've known before."

"But that didn't last long, When he caught her cheating on him with someone else. That's where he totally changed. He stopped wearing casual outfits and threw all colorful clothings in the trash bin. He started wearing black and being mean to people. He started flirting with everyone and slept with anyone recklessly."

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