It was quiet between the group for a few seconds before Jeongguk perked up, he turned his head to see Taehyung walking their way to the table with a smirk on his face.

He plopped down next to Jeongguk and ruffled the males hair up making the younger alpha to growl at him in protest.

"What are you doing later, baby alpha?" Taehyung questions cheekily as he reaches over to pinch the older's cheek to annoy him more.

"Dont call me that" Jeongguk grumbles back and slaps the males hand away earning a laugh from the younger alpha.

"Hoseok calls you that" Jeongguk's cheeks flush a red colour as he glares over at Taehyung.

"Shut up" he grumbled and turned his gaze away from the amused looks that his friends were throwing his way.

"Anyways, Hoseok asked me to help you move some things into your new apartment" Taehyung says as he leans one of his elbows on the table and rests his cheek in his palm while smiling over at Jeongguk.

"I was going to go over to get some of his things this afternoon, do you want to come along?" The younger male questions, his smile quickly changing to a playful smirk.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jeongguk snapped with a huff, he rolled his eyes at the blonde male before glancing back over at him in slight annoyance.

"Come on Jeongguk, it'll be fun" Taehyung winked over at him teasingly, the said male groaned and placed his forehead into the table.

Yoongi had asked him if he could help move his things soon and he was planning on going to do some of it either this afternoon or tomorrow some time.

Although, if he went with Taehyung they could get things done quicker. So he guesses he would have to suck it up for the afternoon.

"Are you going to be doing this all afternoon?" Jeongguk questions back as he turns his head to the side to give taehyung a once over.

The other alpha just shrugged his shoulders, "who knows" he answered simply.

The long haired male groaned again and sat up as he noticed both Seokjin and Namjoon beginning to pack up their things, probably getting ready to head off to their next classes.

"Im going to regret this later" the brown haired male says out and stands up, he looks down at the smirking alpha and shook his head.

"I'll be waiting for you at the parking lot after your last class" Taehyung stands up as well as he spoke.

He smiled one last time and ruffled the alpha's hair, "see you then baby alpha" he says lastly and begins to walk off leaving behind an annoyed Jeongguk.

"Would he stop with that" Jeongguk whined and slumped his shoulders as the male had now exited the canteen area.

"I like this new Jeongguk" Namjoon starts off saying, "he's so cute and soft" he finishes with a coo.

Jeongguk sent over a soft glare to his friend and huffed out a breath.

He crossed his arms over his chest, "im not cute and i've not gone soft" he lets out and walks away with his cheeks reddened once again.


Edit: I've just come back to change some of the words when it comes to talking about who was younger and older between tae and Jeongguk because i completely forgot that i made gguk older than tae in this lmao. Next chapter coming really soon lovelies.

A/N: hey lovelies,,,

I've missed y'all, not gonna lie lmao. I've gotten really busy lately but ive been writing in between the time that i have free.

Also, i have decided to change some of the things that'll happen later on in this story and i think it'll be way better to the way that i originally had it planned out.

Anyways, i hope you like this chapter and ive got the next couple planned out so im gonna try and get those ones out quickly.

I asked this once before and on my message board which a few of you answered but im gonna ask here too just incase,,,

But are there any character interactions that you guys would like to see soon?

Have a good day/night. Please stay safe...

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