My stomach twisted and turned as his gentle hand went higher and teased my skin, dragging the tips of his fingers up and down softly, making me shift around on the step.

I let out a breathless 'no' and shook my head as I watched his hand tease my skin.

Squeezing my legs together Harry shook his head and nudged them apart as his hand went even higher. So high the knuckle of his pointer finger grazed against my underwear, causing me to shake and inhale deeply.

"How about now?" he asked again as he slowly dragged his large cold ring up and down against my sensitive skin.

This boys going to be the death of me.

I may be nervous but little does he know i'm holding myself back from jumping into his lap and fucking him out here, outside, in front of everybody.

He doesn't need to know that though.

Pulling my hand away from his arm, I snaked my hand down to his leg, placing two fingers on his kneecap, tiptoeing my way up to his lap.

The second I found my way to his lap his hand snaked away from me. His eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up. He took a deep breath as he watched my wandering hands steadily.

"Did I make someone nervous?" I said seductively while I repeated his words.

He does make me nervous obviously, but I have no issue giving back the same energy.

Not to mention his reaction was priceless. If only I had a camera.

Harry shook his head as his hand slowly came up and wrapped gently around my wrist "don't tease me baby" he moaned out as I slowly rubbed my hand back and forth against his bulge.

Was he not just teasing me? Someone's being a cry baby.

"You want me to stop?" I asked as I slowly pulled a few fingers away, only leaving the pad of my pointer pressed against his erection.

Without saying a word Harry's hand pulled mine back down, placing the palm of my hand where he wanted me most "I never want you to stop" he admitted and dragged out in a moan as the palm of my hand rubbed against his sweatpants.

The nervous butterflies fluttered around in my belly, when his smooth words left those red lips that were tempting me.

"Take me upstairs" I demanded as I stared deeply into his hungry eyes.

I can't take the suspense much longer. I just need to feel him again.

Harry jumped up from the step right as the words left my mouth. Holding his hand out waiting for mine to grab onto his "are you coming?" he asked as he looked down at me.

Grabbing onto his hand he pulled me up from the cement "not now but hopefully soon" I said while giggling to myself. 

sex jokes

Harry rolled his eyes and rested his large hand on my lower back while he opened the front door "how about we count each time then Angel?" he said lowly as we walked inside of the house.

Each time? What the hell did I just get myself into.

Running up the steps anxiously I looked back and saw Harry grinning behind me.

You're So Golden |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now