12 ◌ just the benefits

Start from the beginning

"hello, sir." seonghwa greeted the principal politely, making him raise a brow.

"what's gotten you here, park?" he put his pen down and looked at the two.

"actually, something really important." seonghwa pulled yeosang in and closed the door, "sir, the problem is mrs.kim."

"ah, why does everyone complain about her today?" the principal sighed, "go on."


"about this part, it means that-"

"mrs.kim!" the principal's voice echoed as he opened the door of the auditorium, taking her by surprise.

"yes, sir? something wrong?"

"you need to come with me. now." he commanded and turned around, mrs.kim took a look at the students before following him out of the auditorium.

the principal stopped and mrs.kim did the same behind him, as he opened the door of another auditorium, motioning for her to go in. mrs.kim complied so after a few seconds, as the principal did the same and and entered with her. "your permission, mr.namjoon."

"of course sir!" the teacher stopped lecturing and stood still, when the principal took hold of mrs.kim's wrist and gently moved her to the center, as all the students were looking at her silently.

"Kang yeosang? please raise your hand." all of the students turned their heads and looked at yeosang with big eyes, as yeosang just stayed quiet and raised his hand slowly. "mrs.kim has something important to say to student kang yeosang."

mrs.kim immediately got the message and turned her head to the side to look at the principal, seeing the stone-cold look on his face as seonghwa smirked and played with the pen, watching all of this getting exciting little by little.

mrs.kim stayed quiet for a few seconds, "i am sorry, mr.kang." the whole class gasped, looking at her and then at yeosang in utter shock. yeosang slightly tilted his head to the side, looking at her quietly while blinking a few times. she looked at him for a few seconds before mumbling out another apology again.

yeosang was shocked, not did he ever expect that. mrs.kim was just now known for being rude, but also super bossy and selfish. right now, she was apologizing to him. now this is something you don't get to see everyday.

seonghwa watched proudly as mrs.kim glared at him, sending him a death glare to which Seonghwa smiled and mouthed 'good job' , making her even angrier as she turned around and quickly walked out of the auditorium, the principal going out aswell.

'what was that?' 'you saw what I saw?' 'mrs.kim apologized to the new kid?' whispers were heard when the teacher smacked the table to get their attention. "alright students! let's get back to our subject..."

the whole class, yeosang wasn't even paying attention. he felt waves of feelings rush through him. why did seonghwa help him? why does he care about him? did he really get apologized to?

thoughts messed up his mind as he was too busy thinking to even pay any attention, until the bell rang and seonghwa rose from his seat, walking out of the auditorium as yeosang stood up and followed after him.

through the way, he grabbed his sleeve and made him turn around to face him. "what?" seonghwa asked as he saw an expression he's never seen on yeosang's face before.

"come with me." yeosang tugged him with himself and led both of them to a storage room, opening the door as the two entered, yeosang closed the door and turned around to face seonghwa while placing his hands on his hips. "I have no idea why you helped me, but thanks."

"do you think a simple thanks would make it up to me?" seonghwa scoffed, "I didn't do it for free. and to answer your question, I did it because I wanted to."

yeosang blinked a few times, "because you wanted to?" Seonghwa nodded. yeosang thought seonghwa was playing around with him, so he decided that he would do the same, pushing his limits so he could get to know what he was actually up to. "okay, how can I pay you back?" he crossed arms over his chest, waiting for seonghwa to speak.

seonghwa hummed and licked his dry lips, "what will you do?"

"what do you want me to do?"

seonghwa bit the inside of his cheek and stared at the younger for a good ten seconds, before taking a step towards him, getting closer to him that almost their chests were touching. "give me a kiss."

yeosang blinked a few times and bit his bottom lip, "what?" he scoffed, "a kiss?" He scoffed, only to realize the older was actually serious. - not trying not to show that he was nervous, he spoke up. "you really want this, don't you?" he rolled his eyes when seonghwa smiled, making yeosang want to punch him and wipe the look off his face.

yeosang realized that he wasn't going to get out of this. it is park seonghwa who is talking. slowly, he took a step towards him as now their faces were impossibly close. he put his hands on seonghwa's shoulders as he slowly got on his tippy toes to be taller, leaning in to slowly and pressing his lips against the elder's softly.

however, seonghwa wasn't satisfied with that. he grabbed the younger by the back of his head to deepen the kiss and tilted his head to deepen the kiss, making yeosang breathe into his mouth as he gripped the shirt in fists.

seonghwa used his other to cup yeosang's jaw. before yeosang knows, seonghwa's tongue was tracing his bottom lip and he forced himself to open his mouth, letting seonghwa's tongue in as their tongues got into a fight of dominance, to which seonghwa won quickly.

he moved the hand on his jaw to the back of yeosang's back to steady him, preventing him from getting out of his grip as he pulled him impossibly closer, no gap left between their bodies.

their tongues started dancing and swirling around each other, making yeosang's knees weak as he almost fell, if it wasn't for seonghwa's hand on his back to keep him in place. yeosang moved his arms up and wrapped them around seonghwa's neck to stop himself from falling, as seconds passed by seonghwa would kiss him harder and tug on his hair harder.


weeks passed by and seonghwa and yeosang still continued. yeosang would get out of class and next thing he knows is seonghwa dragging him with himself to a janitor's closet without a word, pushing him against the wall and kissing him.

or they'd be talking, when yeosang would suddenly grab him by his collar to press their lips together, all of this turning into a make-out session. they'd sit at lunch and talk with the rest, as yeosang would sometimes stand up to go to the bathroom, only to be followed by seonghwa and to be pushed up against the wall, lips smashing into his.

right now, neither of them know what they are anymore. none of them have ever tried labeling the relationship between them, as they'd kiss and hook-up, but without any of them daring to speak up about the thing going on between them.

yeosang tried to ask seonghwa, but is scared he would ruin everything between them since seonghwa is nothing other than a playboy, so why worry himself?

he didn't have to think anymore as his thoughts got washed away by seonghwa pulling him by his waist and kissing him, yeosang found himself kissing back, not even understanding any of this happening. right now, he's in seonghwa's arms, and he shouldn't be thinking about anything else.

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