"It's going to be kind of different having a baby around. But fun," he added.

"You're great with kids, so you shouldn't have a problem," I said. He smiled, and then Lou called him over. Niall was just walking out of the door, and I finished setting up his area. 

"What look are you going for today, sir," I asked.

"Give me a look that says 'I'm Niall Horan and I'm awesome'," he said. 

"I'm going to give you the official Niall Horan hairstyle, which is also the only hairstyle I've ever done on you," I said, and laughed again. 

Just when I was about to get started, somebody walked through the door.

"Holy shit. It's Amy Adams," I said in a low voice. I saw her walking around to all of the boys and talking to them. "What do I do?"

"I dunno!" He said. "Just be yourself!" I was a bit starstruck by Amy Adams, since I really respected her as an actress. But unfortunately, famous people don't pay attention to other famous people's hair dressers.

"Hi Niall!" She said, as she walked over. Niall got up to give her a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm great! How are you?" He asked. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized how big my eyes were. I tried to smile nicely as they carried on a conversation.

"I am very excited for the show," she said. Then she turned to me. "Hi."

"Hello," I said, and returned to my shock as she walked away. "Oh my god. Amy Adams just said 'hi' to me."

Niall laughed again and began to clap his hands. "Congrats."

"You don't know how big this is!" I said smiling. "Talking to famous people is like your job! I've never done that before!"

"I could always introduce you to her," he said.

"No thanks," I said. "We have told way too many people." He agreed with me, and then I was done with his hair and he went to rehearse. I went back over to Lou, and saw that Sophia was here too.

"Hi Sophia!" I said. Her face lit up when she saw me, and the first thing she noticed about me was my stomach too. 

"Do you have a name picked out for the baby yet?" She asked. 

"Yes, but it's a secret," I said. "But we're both in love with it. We will tell people once he's born."

"That's great!" She said. "I would ask you if you wanted to go clubbing with us later, but I think that's out of the question."

"Thanks for the invitation," I began, laughing again. "I think Niall and I are just going to hang. You're always welcome to come to my apartment if you want, though."

We exchanged numbers and she told me that if she ever needed to, she would. 

After a few hours, they finished up, and we got to see the previews.

"Wow, Niall. You're carrying like all of the weight. So strong," I said. In one of the videos, the boys were holding Amy sideways. Niall was on the end, and had a finger on her shoe. 

Niall flexed his arm. 

"These are hilarious. I love Amy," I said laughing. 

"Thanks!" I turned around, and Amy was right behind me.

"Holy shit," I said. "I didn't know you were there."

"That's okay, sweetie," She said, and put a hand on my back. I almost died. I could feel my face getting red, and I knew Niall would make fun of me later. 

"I'm a big fan of yours," I confessed. It was kind of weird, because all of the boys and some of the crew were around watching us. "Can you sign my baby?"

Amy laughed. "I've never signed a baby before," she said, cracking up. I was so awkward, it wasn't even funny. 

"Did you just ask her to sign your stomach?" Niall asked. I nodded, still laughing. "I've got a pen."

"Why do you have a pen?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know," he said, and pulled a sharpie out of his pocket. I lifted up my shirt and Niall handed Amy the pen as the crowd dispersed. 

"Who should I make it out to?" Amy said. 

"His mom, Alyssa," I said, and then spelled it out.

"Can I please have a picture too?" I asked. I felt like I was being annoying, but she didn't mind. In fact, she was super nice about it.

I handed Niall my phone and lifted up my shirt to expose my stomach and her signature, and Niall took a picture. 

"Thanl you so much," I said. 

"Anytime! Good luck with the baby! See you tomorrow, Niall," she said, and she left. 

"OH MY GOD!" I said, and jumped to Niall. 

"That was the funniest thing I've ever seen," Niall said. "Look at this picture." He handed my phone back to me, and I looked at the picture. 

"I love it," I said. "You're so lucky to be in a sketch with her! I wish I was in the sketch!"

"You're probably still a better actor than me," Niall said. 

"You've improved a bit from iCarly," I said. "But I think you should stick to singing." Niall laughed and then we went back to the apartment.


Here it is! I hope you liking it so far!

Please let me know what you're liking/disliking about the story because I only want to improve. 

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