Chapter 49. First day on the battlefield!

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Chapter 49. First day on the battlefield!

The dawning rosy red sun rose from rocky brown cliffs that surrounded the valley, it's rays glistening as it shone on the shining armor of the Ruby and Lapis soldiers. Lapis soldiers wearing a blue-tinted armor while the ruby soldiers wore red, the generals stood in front of their respective units. The lapis frontlines were structured like so, soldiers were split up into twenty units with each unit containing around ten thousand gathering and condensing realm soldiers each with a peak condensing or emission realm general leading them, then came the sect disciples, mercenaries and medical officers.

A deathly silence fell on the battlefield as deathly suspense occurred, each side waiting for the specific signal to commence their own attack.


A huge battle horn was blown and immediately both sides charged forwards as they tightly grasped their weapons while archers began to draw their bows, channeling their energy into their bow as they waited for the enemies to be in their attack range.

"RAHHHH!!!" the soldiers screamed in unison as both sides violently clashed and began swinging their swords, halberd, spears, etc. An immediate bloodbath occurred as both victorious and pained deafening screams filled the slow blood filling battlefield.

"RAHH!!" Garrick screamed as he swung his basic metal tree-cutting axe towards a small weak-looking soldier that had luckily managed to make it past the front lines. Swoosh! A clean execution happened as a head flew off the body of the poor soldier leaving a bloodied fresh body.

"That is an extremely sharp axe, you must sharpen that often," Aurora commented as she was silently surprised by Garrick's strength.

"You guessed right. This axe is a family heirloom! It has been passed down to me from my grandfather, my son will inherit it from me when I am too old to work," Garrick proudly replied as he caringly stroked the axe's shiny blade.

"I'm going to start guys! See you all later! Garrick! Teach her how to use an axe!" Leo spoke as he waved goodbye and charged off to the front line to find anyone who was harshly harmed or about to lose a fight.

"Hahaha! Sure!" Garrick laughed, "Join me Aurora. As you fight you will find out about the enchanting feeling of an axe. My grandfather continuously told me this one sentence when he used to teach me, "Your axe must strive to be like a mighty mountain!"

"I see, ok thanks!" Aurora replied as she immediately pondered over the thought of an axe being a mountain.

Aurora used earth jutsu to form a mud axe and began to attack while trying to comprehend the way of the axe. She made sure did not strike anyone fatally and made sure to concentrate on her axe and movement while Garrick moved to finish them off causing Garrick to get all of Aurora's kill credits but she did not mind at all.

Meanwhile, Leo was charging furiously across the frontlines as he quickly dragged the injured soldiers who were impaled, stabbed or amputated. This deeply angered the ruby soldiers as their kills were literally taken away from their clutches but they could do nothing, with Leo's cultivation, the only people that would be able to harm him with his concealed cultivation currently were emission realm experts but Leo did not have any plans of bumping into one.

"Any last words?" a soldier arrogantly asked as he pointed his steel sword at the chest of a wounded soldier who had his arms sliced off and was lying on the ground in pain.

"Please! Please sp-spare me. I have kids!" the fallen soldier weakly replied as he constantly choked on his own blood.

"Too late!" the arrogant ruby soldier rudely replied and he raised his sword and savagely stabbed it towards the ground.

"Hahahahaha!! Why would I care about your kids?" the soldier rebuked as he stabbed the soil. "Eh? What happened?" the man asked as he did not feel the pleasuring sensation of his sword intruding into a body, instead he felt the sensation of hitting a solid piece of ground.

"Being too ruthless is not a good thing, you should've left him as he was. He wouldn't join the battle again with his injury," a cold voice sounded from beside him.

The ruby soldier immediately looked up and turned around to see Leo holding the bloodied man in his arms.

"How dare you steal my kill!!" the man angrily shouted but half a second later his voice immediately stopped screaming and no sound came out as an extremely terrified expression filled his face as all the blood seemed to disappear from his face turning him as pale as a ghost. What he saw as soon as he shouted was Leo's golden eye turning into a bloody-red colour as an evil overbearing killing red aura was released from his body for a split second.

The ruby soldier then instantly closed his eyes in complete fear as he thought that he had met his end but a few seconds passed and he was not dead, so he opened and he was amazed and confused to see that the soldier and Leo were nowhere to be found in his field of view.

About a hundred meter back behind the front lines, Leo appeared with the injured Lapis soldier in his arms.

"You should be fine here, the medical team will come to collect you so just lay here quietly. If you stay calm and adjust your breathing properly then you should be able to live to see your children again," Leo informed the man as he quietly laid him down.

Ackh! The man spit out a mouthful of blood as he tried to force out the words, "Thank you! I probably would've died there without your help!"

"Don't worry! There's more people to save in the battlefield I need to go again! Just stay here?" Leo replied as he turned around and disappeared.

The man immediately obeyed Leo's instruction and calmed his breathing and found that the bleeding had considerably lessened as his heart beat rate was relaxed. After seeing Leo's disappear from his view, the man then looked around and amazement filled his head as he saw Leo now in a new light.

A dozen... no at least three dozens of injured soldiers were all carefully laid out next to him. Each with a grievous injury that they could not continue fighting anymore, some had their legs missing, some had huge slashes on their bodies and some had missing arms.

'To do all this by himself. How is this possible? He managed to save so many people...' the man thought as he looked over to the other men who also had their eyes fixed on him.

"Did you all get saved by that man?" the lapis soldier curiously asked, wanting to know if what he was thinking was real.

The fallen injured soldier all nodded in unison and one of them replied, "yes that's not all. Most of us have already been taken back by the doctors. We all were about to die but we're saved by that man. We are a very fortunate bunch."

"Amazing! He really did save you all. I am truly indebted to him," the man whispered as he sat up and gave a respectful bow towards the battlefield.

"Toot!" the warhorn of both kingdoms sounded as the official first day of battle for the trio came to a close. Both sides immediately stopped fighting and walked off towards their own camps and began resting.

And back at the tree house, Leo, Aurora and Garrick were sitting down discussing their yield of the long day. It had fortunately turned out that Aurora and Garrick had killed over five thousand soldiers today and this made their name widespread in the Lapis army camp.

Garrick, with the help of Aurora, had unbelievably made his way into the top fifty spot on the rankings while Aurora settled for a place in the top thousands. This completely blew Garrick's mind open when he found out that he had gotten this much points. Garrick immediately tried to split his points with Aurora but Aurora simply denied it and joked about it saying that she had no interest in taking in a princess as a wife. After reporting about it on their side, Leo informed them on what had happened on his side. He had managed to save over a thousand soldiers and had made his way into the top ten thousands in the stone rankings.

However, Leo was completely filled with sad thoughts as he recalled all the people that he had failed to save.

'I want to save more people but it will alert the other army. I can only continue like this, I'll wait for Aurora to get better with the axe and gain more experience,' he decided.

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