Chapter 31. The little girl

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Chapter 31. The little girl

At the entrance of the Decan clan, there were three young silhouettes standing right outside. Each had an unexplainable charm to themselves.

Each of them gave a last bow towards the clan and said some last few words and began walking off in the direction of the marketplace.

"Bro, what are we going to do at the market?" asked Lex in a quite grumpy tone.

"We are going to buy some location talismans, I'm sure you two will want to travel the world in the future and I won't always be able to be by your side so it would be smart to get it for you guys," replied Leo.

Hearing this, Lex and Aurora couldn't find any reason to refute this decision as they nodded with curiosity.

It took about five minutes as they were not in a rush.

They passed by countless shops and stands as they looked for a talisman shop. It took a while before they stumbled into one.

"Hello there, gentlemen and miss, welcome to my little shop," a warm old voice welcomed them.

"Hello," greeted Leo, "we are here to buy some of your best location talismans.'

"Certainly," replied the man as he walked to an end of the shop and took out a small box filled with four little talismans.

"Young sir, these are my best talismans. It will require one drop of blood to activate ownership. You then give it to anyone of your choice. Once it's activated it not require any more blood. If the talisman is broken within 5000 kilometers, it will vibrate and emit a small burst of energy but it shouldn't harm you in any way," informed the shop keeper.

Hearing this, Leo suddenly displayed a disappointed expression as he asked, " do you know where we could find any better ones? We need one that can be operated in this whole world if possible."

"Umm... Sorry young sir but what you are looking for can only be found at the capital and not just anywhere in the capital, you'll have to get it from the royal family auction. A talisman like that is extremely valuable and can cost about five hundred thousand each," the shop keeper replied.

"I see. Sigh. Give me what you have right now. I'll take all of these," replied Leo in a slightly disappointed expression as he handed over a few thousand coins.

After buying the talismans, the group went around buying necessities and finally left the city making their way to a faraway village using a map that they received from the clan head.


In a faraway mountain isolated from any people's interruption, a young boy was sitting down in a meditational pose with his legs crossed and arms resting on his legs. An invisible spiral of energy flowed around him. Suddenly a crack sounded and the energy flow suddenly increased, immediately the boy suddenly gave a large smile as he started jumping from joy.

"Finally!" the boy exclaimed, "I have made it to peak gathering. Haha, brother and big sis Aurie will be so proud!"

The boy lifted a fist up to the sky and a small sonic boom sounded as a large wave of wind exploded in the area.

"Hmm... Brother said that he was going to go train in the cave and Aurie said she would be busy searching for herbs, hmmm... I'm a bit thirsty, I'll go to the river and get a drink... if only I had jutsu mastery like my brother, then I could just form water out of nowhere," complained the boy as he slowly made his way down the mountain.

"Ah!" a scream sounded in the forest-filled valley next to the winding calm river. A small child ran out from the horizon in an extremely scared manner and a few seconds later, a man appeared holding a sword in his hand quietly walking like a predator hunting for his prey.

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