Chapter 44. Second appearance of the phoenix II

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Chapter 44. Second appearance of the Phoenix II

The scene outside the sect leader's palace was completely different from when they first entered. The previously calm beautiful deep blue sky that was speckled with fluffy white clouds had all mysteriously disappeared in nothingness. Instead, it was now replaced with a yellow sunset sky that constantly fluctuated from bright yellow to red and the initially fluffy clouds had grown into dark long ash clouds that clouded the whole area of the sect.

The scene below on the sect ground was not pretty either, the whole sect area was in complete disarray. The ground seemed like it had been angered. A loud rumble filled the sect as the ground screamed and countless little cracks appeared on the ground as it shook.

"What's going on? The spiritual energy in this place has gone completely berserk and the temperature in this place has risen by a lot. What's happening?" Nehuy asked worriedly to the surrounding elders.


A huge explosion sounded up in the sky above the clouds as a sudden burst of vermillion shone down shadowing the whole sect in orange.

"What the hell is this? Are we being attacked by a magic beast?" an elder exclaimed in worry.

Skree!! Skree!!

An enchanting majestic call of an animal sounded from above as a heavy intimidating aura appeared in the clouds.

"Come! Phoenix!" Aurora commanded confidently.

As if answering to Aurora's call, the animal gave off another *skree!* and then suddenly out of the clouds, a vague shadow of a large bird started to appear striking fear to the hearts of everyone present.

"Oh my! It's- It's a ph-ph-phoenix!" someone called out.


The majestic beast had now descended from the clouds and was seen by everyone nearby. It's flaming golden wings gave off a beautiful flaming trail in the skies as it encircled the skies for a few rounds and it's majestic body shone brightly radiating an oppressive aura as it slowly landed next to Aurora.

Aurora walked forward and gave the bird a warm hug like someone who had been away from a sibling for a few years.

The phoenix seemed to be extremely happy and glad as it responded with a resoundingly loud *skree!!*

"How the hell does that phoenix know you!?" the golden lion elder spoke out in disbelief. Phoenixs were seen as legendary beasts and that they only existed in the upper realms where Gods resided. Just the appearance of a phoenix here could disrupt this whole realm. Everyone would come over to try and make friends with this beast.

But why would it appear now and why would it act so familiar to Aurora was the main question flooding the brains of everyone right now.

"Haha! It took us about a minute to make all those hand seals. Did you think that we did all those for no reason?" Aurora laughed as she mocked the elders who had previously made fun of her hand seal.

"So! What will it be!? Are we qualified now?" Leo stepped forward and looked at the Nehuy calmly.

"Indeed! Absolutely! You are absolutely worthy! Humble sire, I shall send someone to go and call him to come here, immediately," Nehuy spoke out now with full respect. The pressuring aura of a phoenix was completely able to change his mind. Along with that, just it's appearance was too intimidating and unexpected. It made the sect leader more and more scared about the true identity of these kids.

"Sect leader! How can you-" the golden lion elder spoke out in disagreement.

"Silence! Go and get Drexler. Don't you see that they have the power to destroy the sect?" Nehuy angrily scolded him.

"Leave it. We'll go to him instead. I am going to make a small change in the negotiations. I want this sect to protect the village for the next three hundred years. Do you accept?" Leo spoke out.

"Indeed. Completely sire. Today, I swear by the heavens that this sect will protect the village for the next three hundred years to come. Should any harm befall the village without this sect helping then may this sect be cursed with a thousand suffering," Nehuy immediately swore and made a promise to heaven.

"Ok good. Aurora, there's no need for the phoenix to attack so just let it rest for now. Let's go!" Leo smiled and Aurora immediately gave the phoenix a love tap and it vanished into a series of feathers.

"I really wanted to cause some destruction though..." Aurora complained.

"Follow me," the golden lion elder spoke and immediately they walked over to Drexler's house.

"Squad leader, please stay inside the sect leader's hallroom. I still want to say my goodbyes to my brother. We shouldn't take too long," Leo told the squad leader.

Eventually they stopped upon a small courtyard with a house in the middle. The courtyard did not have any plants or life, instead it was filled with debris and broken rock. From just one glance, it was obvious that it was quite easy to discern that this courtyard was only used for training.

The house on the other hand was very simple looking. It was outstanding clean on the outside. It's outside young wooden walls were not damaged in the slightest. It had a simple flat roof that was made out of ceramic tiles in a slope so that water would not be collected on the roof and the door was a simple sliding door which was made out of redwood guarding the entrance.

The elder walked forward and opened the door.

"Give us five minutes, you can wait here," Leo told the elder as he and Aurora walked into the house.

Five minutes slowly passed by and right on cue, the door opened and Leo and Aurora walked out.

"What did you do?" the elder could help but ask curiously.

"None of your business, Drexler should not harm any more innocent people from now on, he is a very interesting fellow," said Leo with a dangerously happy smile as he put on his 'smug' face.

This reply had sent shivers down the elder's spine as he could not figure out the hidden meaning behind what Leo said.

"Now, that situation has been dealt with. Let's go back, I want to go and see my little brother and say my goodbyes," Leo said lazily as he stretched his arms.

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