Chapter 21. Arrival at the clan

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Chapter 21. Arrival at the clan

Sapphire city was busy as usual today. The marketplace was brimming with noises and people. It's shops were filled with the voice of shopkeepers and swindlers desperately trying to gain the attention of the people passing by.

Today, many people were queued up at the city entrance in the morning. Many of them being traders and merchants while the rest were coming to find work and settle down here. And in the queue was Leo, Aurora, and little Lex.

As they got up to the front of the queue, they were stopped by a few guards.

"State your purpose of entry," said a guard nonchalantly.

"Visiting the Decan family," replied Leo.

Hearing Leo's reply, the guard suddenly looked at the trio and started laughing, "the Decan family, huh?"


"Listen here kid, the Decan family is not a family that you can meet at your wish at any time you want," spoke the guard in a mocking tone.

"I know," replied Leo indifferently.

"Tch, go knock yourself out. Five silver coins," said the guard as he took his hand out.

Seeing that there were no issues, Leo reached into his bag and brought forth five silver coins and handed it to the guard.

The guard was shocked speechless as he did not expect that a kid would be able to bring up that amount of silver from the look of his clothing.

"Where did you get this much money from?" asked the guard as he suddenly blocked the trio.

"I got it from my parents," replied Leo as he came up with a fake backstory.

Hearing Leo's explanation, the guard was satisfied with the answer and walked back to the entrance.

Leo and Aurora walked around the city first experiencing the city. It was totally different from the village. It was so much bigger and the houses were so much more beautiful. They went to a restaurant to eat some food.

"Judging from what that guard said, it is going to be hard for us to find a way to get in the clan. Aurora, do you have any thoughts?" asked Leo as they started planning how to get in.

"Hmm. Maybe we can try and buy more luxurious clothing," replied Aurora. She had been mesmerized by the luxurious clothes that were on sale in the marketplace.

Leo thought about this and decided that it was indeed worth a try and he was quite tired of wearing the same clothes for the whole journey.

And so they made their way into the marketplace and stumbled into a clothes shop.

"Hello, welcome to this humble sh-" an attendant came to greet them but after seeing the clothes and state of the trio, she stopped in her tracks and started scolding them, "Hey! How dare you come into our shop. Hurry! Shoo!Shoo! You are getting this shop dirty."

Acting as if she was invisible, Leo looked to Aurora and said "go and choose what you want. I'll take care of Lex."

Hearing this, Aurora's beautiful purple eyes filled to the brim with excitement as she hurriedly scanned throughout the shop and came back with a beautiful cherry-blossom pink top and elegant dark blue skirt.

"Go try them on. I will go and pay for it," said Leo as he pointed towards the trial rooms.

"Give me that black shirt and pants. I'll also take the robe along with it said. How much will they be?" asked Leo as he pointed towards a matte black shirt and dark blue pants and a vantablack robe.

"What do you think you are doing? Do you think you can pay for all this? You have taken the most expensive items in this shop. With your peasant clothes, you can barely afford them. I'll tell you the price of these clothes add up to about five hundred gold coins."

"Okay, here take these. These should be five hundred," said Leo as he brought up a large stack of coins from his backpack and started taking the clothes and walked to a trial room.

The attendant was in shock as she could not believe her eyes. This was five hundred gold coins. Five hundred! She barely made about a hundred gold coins a year and yet a young child dressed as a commoner could bring up a sum of that size. After validating the gold coins, she decided not to mess with these kids again.

Leo and Aurora came out of the trial rooms and looked like completely different people. Aurora now looked like an angel sent down from heaven while Leo gained a new godly level of handsomeness from the dark outfit.

"Sir and Madam, please forgive me. I am deeply sorry for my behavior. Here, please take this outfit as compensation for my blindness. It should be a good fit for the little infant," said the attendant as she bowed as she gave them a black and yellow infant's outfit.

"Don't worry. It's ok. I'll take the outfit tho. Here, ten gold should be able to pay for it," replied Leo as he took the outfit and placed ten gold coins on the counter and left with Aurora in the direction of the Decan clan.


"So this is the clan?"


"It looks so overbearing. Let's hope this works"

Leo and Aurora walked to the entrance.

"Halt, who goes there?" asked the guards as they asked. Normally, they would deny everyone entry and often beat them but from the clothing of the trio in front of them, they could not afford to be careless.

"We are here to see your grand elder," replied Leo.

"Hahaha. The grand elder of the Decan has been in seclusion for the past twenty years. What business do you have with him?" asked a guard as he mocked Leo.

"We have info on his daughter," said Leo as he brought out the badge that Ava gave him.

"Let me see this badge, hand it to me," said a guard as he looked at the badge curiously as he received it from Leo.

"How dare you! This is a fake. The grand elder never had a daughter. How dare you lie to us!" spoke the guard angrily as he threw the badge on the floor and stepped on it.


Suddenly, a dangerous overbearing aura descended on the entrance as the guards stood immobile.

"You can throw insults at me but don't you dare harm that badge," spoke Leo coldly as he radiated a little of his killing intent while picking up the badge.

"You! How can you do this? Quickly! Inform the clan members. We are under attack!" screamed a guard.

"Attack? I haven't done anything and you think I'm attacking. How stupid," replied Leo as he took back his killing intent and took a seat on the ground with Aurora waiting for the clansmen.

This should be enough to get the clansmen to come out.

God-given three wishes(unofficial)(incomplete but finished as I dropped it)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن