Chapter 28. The clan meeting

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Chapter 28. The clan meeting

Andy took his friends around the city for the rest of the banquet. When it had ended, he sent his friends off and went back to the clan.

After each affinity ceremony there would be a clan meeting to discuss talents and how the clan's resources would be distributed.

When he arrived, everyone was already there and upon seeing him they all seemed to suddenly quiet down.

The clan head stood up and spoke, "Now that the grand elder is here, this meeting can officially start. First topic today, affinity results. Grand elder, I'm sure you have heard of Leo and Aurora's results?"

"No, I've been quite excited to hear it," replied Andy quite curiously along with a strand of confusion as Aron had said it as if he should've known about it.

The whole place fell into silence as everyone was quite surprised that the Grand elder did not know about this. It was the main topic of the whole banquet. He had to have heard it.

"Then have you heard about the girl who got a ten-ringed gold affinity?" Aron responded with another question.

"Of course. I am very happy that someone in the cl-," Andy's words stopped there as he suddenly realised. His face suddenly turned into one of absolute amazement and shock as he asked, "that was Aurora!?"

Aron nodded and smiled.

"Haha. Amazing, the Gods above are blessing me. I cannot believe it," laughed Andy. Suddenly he asked, "How did Leo do?"

"I'm afraid to report that he did not take the test," replied Aron in a slightly scared tone.

Hearing this, Andy's expression turned quite ugly as he suddenly grew conflicted.


"Leo asked me before that he did not want to take the test but I told him he had to. It seems that he did not listen to me. That boy..." Andy plainly spoke with a downcast expression.

"Grand Elder, everyone in the clan is quite curious about the identity of those two could you please tell us?" a voice rang out in the silence.

The voice came from Adam, one of the clan's elders. He had a cultivation of beginner emission realm in his forties.

"Ok. It's about time I tell you guys anyway. They are my grandchildren," announced Andy.

A silent atmosphere of extreme shock flooded the place as everyone could not believe what the grand elder just said.

They had thought that they were disciples but it turned out that they had even better statuses.

"Grand elder, how is it possible?" Adam responded with another question.

"They are my daughter, Ava's, children. She had survived this whole time and fell in love with a commoner. In fear of me disapproving their relationship, she had settled down in a village."

"Grand elder, you mean that they are peasants?" a voice asked out.

"Yes. They were born in the village."

"You must have them change their surnames at least, grand elder. If news floods out that the Decan clan has peasants as it's clansmen it will terribly affect our reputation," spoke out Adam in a very unsatisfied tone.

"They do not want their surnames changed. I have let them keep their current surnames," Andy coldly replied.


'I have spoken already!" Andy angrily spoke out.

An eerie silence fell but was quickly erased by the clan head as he continued, "ok. Now the identity of the kids are now known. Everyone please do not let many people know about this. This must be kept a secret. This is the Grand elder's order. So, next topic, resource allocation."

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