Chapter 48. Signing up

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Chapter 48. Signing up

In the southern border of the Lapis kingdom, lies the infamous basalt wall, a natural landmark that acted as a wall separating the Lapis kingdom from the Ruby kingdom. It laid on top of a dormant volcano and formed many years ago when the volcano exploded forming a large wall of basalt creating just a narrow valley for caravans and merchants to go through.

However, now there were no merchants or caravans that were currently passing through as there were army camps set up on both sides of the valley. Countless green military tents on each side with numerous soldiers roaming around on each side, some happily conversing, some writing letters to their loved ones and some training in fights.

On the Lapis kingdom lines, the frontline was on full alert, prepared for the enemies that seemed like they would attack in any second. Then came the second line, which was filled with most soldiers who were simply idling around, resting. And behind them was the medical lines, this was where any injured soldiers would be taken to heal or to give immediate first aid.

Countless injured bodies were lying on a simple brown cloth on the ground as they waited for the fifteen doctors who still had over three hundred soldiers to tend to. A simple carriage that was driven by an old man drove into the medical lines as it came to retrieve the dead who could not be saved and took them outside the battlefield to bury them.

Just outside the battlefield was a large stand that had a large wooden sign post that had 'War sign up for mercenaries, sects and others,' written in clear white chalk on the top. And there was a huge queue of about two hundred cultivators lining up behind it as they waited for the five attendants at the counter to finish with the current cultivators.

"You guys are here to sign up?" the male attendant asked.

"Yes, please! All three of us" Garrick replied heartily as he tried to show off his black light armour.

"Good. Can I have a name that you would like to use?" the attendant replied unfazed by Garrick's failure of an attempt at gaining his attention.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Garrick was puzzled with the attendant's question.

"Well you see sirs, at the battlefield it is best to choose a nickname when you sign up. This is for your safety but you are in no way banned from using your real names," the attendant explained.

"I see! I would like you to sign me up under the name 'Lord of farming'!" Garrick answered as he proudly pumped his chest.

Leo broke out in laughter as he had thought that Garrick would use a more imposing name. Emotionlessly, the attendant immediately pulled out a badge and placed it on Garrick's hand. As the badge touched Garrick's hand, it immediately glowed in a bright light and stuck itself into his hand with his name written across his hand. "Please call up the next person," the attendant then spoke. Immediately, Aurora then walked up to the attendant and replied, "I would like to sign up as 'Apostle of the Phoenix.'"

"Woah! Impressive name, sister Aurora. I'm starting to think that I should've let you name me instead now," Garrick spoke as he appraised Aurora's naming skills.

After Aurora, it became Leo's turn, "hello, I would like to sign up as 'Pharaoh of fear,."

"Ok! You guys are all done! Please spend time now to get used to the layout of the camp. You guys can join the attack tomorrow. Today's advances are done, please enjoy your time here and be careful," the attendant respectfully spoke.

"Hahaha! You seed that brother Leo? We are now able to get on the rankings! This is going to be fun!" Garrick happily laughed in pride.

"We should go and check up on the rankings, that way we can see the rewards and the competition," Leo suggested as he started walking towards a large stone wall with a number of names that was right outside a large tent.

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