Chapter 17. The village attacked

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Chapter 17. The village attacked

Hearing the driver's panicked voice, Leo and Aurora came down from the carriage to take a look at what happened.

"Oh no!" screamed Aurora.

Smoke was rising from the top of the trees that were seen on the horizon in the direction of the village. And a series of booms sounded in its direction as a fiery dome appeared on the horizon.

That does not sound good.

"Aurora, let's go. Hey Akle, this is your pay. Please start running away from here as far as you can. You can have the arts in the back carriage as compensation," said Leo as he grabbed twenty gold coins from his bag and laid it on the carriage and ran straight towards the village with Aurora.


Screams flooded the village as rubble flew everywhere. The village hall lay in ruins as countless dead villagers laid on the ground, lifeless, never to open their eyes again.

The village entrance laid in complete disarray as the gate was reduced to countless fragments that lay scattered right outside as a pair of silhouettes arrived outside.

"What happened here?"

"The attacks seem recent. I can still feel the energy. The gate seems to have been broken by a single attack right in the middle."

"We should hurry, concentrate on saving everyone right now," Aurora suggested and the duo split up and started dragging injured people from the houses and laid them at the entrance. In the end, they managed to drag about twelve people out of the fires. However, the injuries that the villagers suffered from were too serious and needed immediate medical care so Aurora volunteered to take care of them here while Leo investigated the situation.

*step* *step*

Leo made his way through the village as he used the white rank movement technique to his utmost ability as he arrived at the Areia house.

It was in disarray, the roof had fallen and the walls had crumbled with rubble everywhere. There was almost no sign of life until suddenly...

*wah* *wah*

An innocent cry broke the silence, hearing this Leo immediately rushed to find the source of the cry and began tearing through the countless heavy rubble.

As he tore through, he found a person, it was Ava and under her was Lex. She seemed seriously injured as she was shouldering the full weight of the rubble to protect Lexus.

Seeing that the weight was lifted off her, she looked to who had saved them, and when she found out that it was Leo, she spat out blood and passed out.

Meanwhile, Lexus was still crying and so Leo had no choice but to comfort him and it seemed as though Lex knew that it was his brother as he immediately stopped crying and seeing that Lex had calmed down. Leo grabbed a piece of cloth and tied Lex to his back and immediately started tending to their mother's wounds.

As Leo scanned her with his eyes, he saw that her cultivation had been broken and her back ribs had multiple fractures and if he had been a bit later, then she would've been unable to protect Lex.

Ava suddenly opened her eyes weakly as she looked over to Leo and smiled. She forced herself up against the wall and smiled at Leo as she spoke, "Leo, thank you for saving me. If you had been any later then I probably would've been unable to hold the rubble. "

"Don't speak mom, you need to rest," said Leo as the tone of her voice started making him worry.

"Don't bother, my cultivation was destroyed to and so, to keep the rubble from touching Lex I've used up almost all of my life essence,"

"No, that can't be."

"Listen well Leo, the village was attacked by the soldiers from the Ruby kingdom, they said that the Lapis kingdom and the Ruby kingdom are now at war. They have destroyed the village and were are planning on killing everyone but your father and some of the remaining strongest decided to fight them off but it seems to not have worked as the explosion happened right next to them," said Ava as she spat up another mouthful of blood and her hair started changing color to white.

"Mom, no. Stop talking. There must be a way to heal your injuries. I need you to rest," said Leo as he started panicking, he was crazily spanning through all the books, talents and arts to see if there was a way to fix this.

"Leo, can you show me Lexus?" asked Ava as she gave him a weak smile.

Leo nodded as he turned and brought Lex to his front.

Ava looked at both of them and said "I have not lived a long life but I have lived a blissful one. My proudest achievements in life would be marrying your father and giving birth to both of you. Leo, please take care of Lex," she turned her head to Lex as she caressed his little face as the infant curiously looked at Ava, "Lex, I'm sorry that mommy has to leave you here. I can't see both of you grow up and become fine young men. I won't be able to see you two getting married, see my grandchildren. I'm so sorry. Please live well."

After saying this, she turned to Leo and smiled as she caressed his face and hair.

"Leo, protect Lex. Lex and you are now the only descendants of the Areia family," said Ava as she suddenly pointed to a place in the rubble.

"There should be a trapdoor under there and if you open it, there should be a badge there. It belongs to my family. Go to Sapphire city, there you should find the Decan family and just show them the badge. It should be enough to get you two into a sect. Live well, my boys..." Ava's eyes closed as she fell down, breathing her last breath as her hand fell to the ground.

"Ok mom..." said Leo as he walked and stated clearing rubble. And just like his mother had said, there was a trapdoor with a badge in it. It was blue and had a large mansion engraved on it and on its back was a fancy 'D' symbol.

After retrieving this, Leo went and took his mother and started digging a hole to bury her. He chose the most beautiful part of the village with a beautiful view of the land.

"I will make sure I raise Lexus well mom. Don't worry," said Leo as he shed a tear which contained all of his emotions as he looked at the gravestone.

After saying his final words, Leo started walking back to the village entrance, where Aurora was tending to the people, with Lex who was sleeping on his back.

God-given three wishes(unofficial)(incomplete but finished as I dropped it)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant