Chapter 10. Impartation Hallway

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The next day, Leo woke up with a bunch of sore muscles and his bones hurt a bit from yesterday's art training. Nevertheless, that did not stop his energy level from dropping as he decided that today would be the day he would open the Impartation hallway but there was another even more significant event that meant more to Leo. Today was his long-awaited fifth birthday, this meant that he would be able to officially start his journey of cultivation in this magical world. Morning quickly passed by with Leo washing up and eating breakfast that was prepared by Ava, then his dad took him to the local dojo to sign him up for training. They arrived upon a small traditional Japanese style house that had a bunch of low-quality training equipment and wooden training dummies all messily distributed on the floor. Since this was a very poor village, there were no restrictions over who could be admitted.

"Hello! Ol' Wilson!" Reon called out as they walked into the dojo.

"My my! Welcome, Reon! Haven't seen you visit this place in a while!" a jolly aged voice rang out from behind a pair of doors as an old-looking man walked out. He had a very large build and had tremendously eye-catching white hair and a very manly white beard, along with that he was wearing some hide clothes making him look like a mercenary soldier.

"I came to sign up my son today, it would be a big favor if you could do it quickly, I need to go and work on the farm so I'd like to not be late," Reon quickly spoke, not wasting any time with introductions.

"I see, well then, we can start immediately, here please fill out this form and pay two copper coins and he will be ready," Ol' Wilson replied as he did not want to take too much of Reon's time and handed Reon a form and gave him an already inked simple quill pen.

Reon immediately began filling out the form while Ol' Wilson took Leo around the dojo, "so you are the talented little Leo, I'm very proud to be able to teach you. You must a very talented individual to be able to walk at such an early age," Ol' Wilson happily spoke.

"Uncle Wilson... When do lessons start?" Leo couldn't help but ask as he couldn't wait to start lessons.

"Lessons don't start until next month... Oh yeah! I need to talk to your dad about that," Ol' Wilson suddenly realized as he smacked his head in stupidity.

"I'm done with it!" Reon spoke as he walked to Ol' Wilson and handed him the quill and the form.

"Well then Reon, Leo is now all signed up and ready. Turns out that in 5 days, we are planning on taking the kids out of this village to visit the Aranea Sect while paying our yearly food rations, you wouldn't have a problem with that would you?" said Ol' Wilson in a slightly pleading tone.

Hearing this, Reon's face suddenly looked conflicted as he heard about the Aranea Sect but after a short pause, he looked towards the man and replied "Of course not, they will be kept safe by our village's defense captain, Ol' Wilson. Of course, I wouldn't mind."

"Haha, you still haven't changed. You think too much, we are going to deliver food, don't worry, I'll keep little Leo safe," Ol' Wilson spoke as he tried his best to reassure Reon.

"Well then, thanks for your time, me and Leo will be heading off," Reon spoke as he gave Ol' Wilson a bow and took Leo's and walked home with him.

Having finished signing up, the father and son duo slowly walked to the farm as Reon wanted to show Leo how he would normally work and they began happily chatting as Reon started to tell Leo about his childhood, his first days of dojo training, and about the history of Ol' Wilson, the man at the sign-up post and that he was a senior of Leo's father and that he was the strongest warrior that the village had. This made Leo start worrying as the man was only at the peak of gathering realm. Leo had scanned the village before with his Nether eyes and the average cultivation of the villagers was at manipulation realm which surprised him even more but he had shaken it off by forcefully consoling himself that the strong people of the villagers were low profile and rarely went out and interacted.

God-given three wishes(unofficial)(incomplete but finished as I dropped it)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu