Chapter 50. Party invitation

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Chapter 50. Two weeks pass

About two weeks had passed by as the trio's name ran rampant throughout the battlefield. The mention of their names had struck reverence in the hearts of these soldiers. Garrick had surprisingly made his way into the top twenty with Aurora following him up with a top hundred ranking and Leo in the last place with a top thousand spot.

A large towering dark oak tree stood firmly about three kilometers from the frontlines, on the upper sections of the tree was a large wooden treehouse that was reinforced by a magical murky mud paste that was dried to keep the planks together. The entrance was a simple rope ladder that led up to the front balcony that had a clear view of the battlefield and the frontline which was really beneficial for Leo's Nether eyes. Then after the balcony was a small three-roomed hut that consisted of a simple bedroom, a peaceful kitchen, and a comfortable living room.

"What's for lunch today Aurora?" Garrick asked happily as he relaxingly sat on the couch in the living room, sharpening his ax.

"Well, Leo went out and got some wild boar meat for lunch," Aurora replied from the kitchen.

"Your cooking is so good, Leo is lucky to have you," Garrick commented as he looked up towards the sky thinking, 'why couldn't my wife cook as well as her?'

"Garrick! How did the attacks go today?" Leo asked as he sat next to Garrick, playing around with his jutsus.

"You don't even know, Leo. It's going so well thanks to you guys! I sincerely thank you, it's amazing that Aurora was so strong! Without her letting me get her kills then I probably wouldn't have even reached the top ten thousand rankings with my puny peak gathering realm cultivation, we haven't been able to kill as many people recently, I think the opposition know about us now, they have been sending stronger people at us when we attack," Garrick replied unhappily.

"Ahaha! I knew that this would happen sooner or later!" Leo laughed.

"So what are you guys planning to do when you guys are finished with the war?" Garrick asked.

"Well, our main reason for entering this war is to get access to the kingdom's library," Leo plainly replied, "what about you?"

"Well... Initially, I came to this war trying to get a top ten thousand spot so that I can move to a town to get a better living for my wife and kids. But now that I have managed to arrive into a top fifty spot, I think I will try and become a merchant. That way, I can provide my family with a better income," Garrick explained.

"That's a very nice thought," Aurora commented as she began casually cooking the boar.

"Life in the village is not nice at all," Garrick replied.

"Indeed," Leo agreed but then he suddenly stood up and walked out to the beautiful wooden balcony, he then returned and informed, "We have guests."

And a pair of male cultivators appeared as they climbed up from the rope ladder onto the wooden planked balcony.

"You, commoner! Is this the house of the 'Lord of farming' and the 'Apostle of the phoenix'?" one of them asked as they looked at Leo who was wearing very simple clothes on the balcony so they thought of him as a commoner.

"Yes, you could say so," Leo replied as he looked up on these men who were both around thirty years of age and we're wearing simple yet noble robes.

"Tch! A mere commoner speaks so blatantly, I have no time to waste, go and call them out!" the other man commanded.

"Garrick! Aurie! You're wanted! Take care of our guests! I'll do the cooking for you," Leo turned around towards the house and spoke.

"Take a seat," Leo spoke as he waved his arms around and executed wood jutsu and a small table along with four chairs formed out of the branches from the tree on the balcony.

This amazed the men as they felt slightly threatened by Leo but just before they were about to act, Aurora and Garrick walked out from the house and greeted the two cultivators, "Greetings, fellow cultivators. What business would you guys have with us to personally visit us in our humble abode?"

"We are from the Darkness Party and our leader would like to meet with the two of you. He is the 'Chieftain of darkness' and he's planning to host a party at night in which the top five hundred rankings are invited."

"I see, ok then, we will come," Garrick replied with a smile.

"We will take our leave now," both cultivators said as they jumped off the balcony, not wanting to go down the rope ladder again.

"That was a very weird invitation, Garrick, do you know who the chieftain of darkness is?" Aurora asked curiously.

"Nope, I have no idea who that is," Garrick replied as confused as Aurora.

"Chieftain of darkness... He is the person who holds the top number one position in the rankings. I wonder what he is up to," Leo spoke out from the house as he walked out with a perfectly cooked wild boar that was giving off an extremely delicious mouth watering aromatic smell.

"No way! We are going to meet the number one ranker?" Garrick suddenly cried as he realized what he had subconsciously agreed to.

"Haha! There's no problem, you guys should go. It will be a good chance for you guys to make friends," Leo laughed out loud.

"What about you? Will you not be joining us?" Aurora concernedly asked.

"Well, it was you and Garrick that received the invitation and not me. Why should I go?" Leo replied nonchalantly.

"Then I will not go," Aurora blatantly refused to go after hearing Leo.

"You will go Aurora, you need to keep Garrick safe. We came here for you to gain experience, you should go. You still have that talisman, as soon as your situation is getting tense just crack it, I'll be there. Don't worry, I won't intervene unless I have to," Leo explained as he wanted Aurora to go and socialize.

"I think it will be best if you come with us as well then, I don't think Aurora will go anywhere without you," Garrick forced Leo to go.

"Fine, I'll tag along," Leo helplessly spoke as he was too lazy to argue back.

"Yay! Ok now let's eat! This wild boar will not eat itself!" Aurora happily spoke as she began cutting up the cooked boar on the table and began serving it.

Leo slowly glanced at Aurora, 'Aurora... I really need you to be able to do things yourself. I won't be able to continuously stay by your side as much as I want to. It will be too dangerous for you, you need to get stronger faster and gain more experience, strength is not everything sigh.'

God-given three wishes(unofficial)(incomplete but finished as I dropped it)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora