Chapter 24. The ceremony begins

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Chapter 24. The ceremony begins

The morning had come. As the dawn sun's ray shone over Leo through his bedroom window, he awoke from his rejuvenating sleep.

Today was the day of the ceremony and it was scheduled to start in the afternoon so Leo decided to have a walk around the clan to see the preparations.

"Place the banner there"

"No! A little to the left!"

The clan was bustling with activity today. This was rare as it was still early in the morning and the clan was already as loud as they normally would be in the afternoon.

While Leo was walking he bumped into the clan head. He was busy coordinating the countless workers and clan members. When he saw Leo coming, he spoke out to Leo "Leo, good morning. Sleep well?"

"Yes. Grandpa's place is really peaceful. So how're the preparations going?"

"See for yourself," replied the clan head as he took Leo around the places in the clan that were expecting guests.

"Here is our clan arena. This is where your affinities will be checked. Here is the clan's field. This is where we will be holding the banquet. We are expecting to feed around two thousand five hundred people. There will be a commoners' section and a clan section. Members of the clan don't want to associate themselves with the poor people of the city. Anyways, you should go now. If your grandfather sees me talking to you. I'll have a lot of explaining to do. He doesn't want you guys to be known by others yet."

"Haha, I see. Then I'll be off. Good luck with the preparations," said Leo as he walked off waving goodbye to the clan head.

Seeing this the clan members were amazed at the respect at how the clan head treated Leo. This was their clan head, a cultivator that had gone above emission realm. Someone that was feared by the whole city. The clan head had never treated anyone this nicely except his own children but they had never heard of the clan head having a son like Leo so that couldn't be a possibility.

Leo walked home and made breakfast for himself. There were currently about seven hours until the ceremony so he decided to train for a bit. He worked on his killing intent for an hour. It had improved a whole lot since the battle in the village. He could not fully control it yet but he could release and take it back at will but the amount was only enough to threaten gathering realm cultivators. But nevertheless, it seemed like that battle had brought Leo a lot of benefits. His stats had improved now:

Name: Leon Areia

Bloodline: None


Killing aura(intent)

Control: Level 4(Able to hide from everything under refinement stage 3)

Doors unsealed: 1(Strength is comparable to emission realm)

Cultivation: Early gathering realm


Godly (Heaven II) fire

Godly (Heaven II)water

Godly (Heaven II)metal

Godly (Heaven II)earth

Godly (Heaven II)wind

Godly (Heaven)sound

Photographic memory

Heavenly Nether God's eyes(Sealed 40/1000)

Demon Nether God's physique(Sealed (10/1000000)

Sickness: Heaven's wrath disease (44 years, 1 month to live)

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