Chapter 30. Grandpa's left

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Chapter 30. Grandpa's left

The next morning, Leo woke up as usual. He went and did his morning jutsu practice then went back inside to make breakfast. However, he found out that there was a note on the table. Curious and confused, Leo went and opened the letter, it read:

Dear Leo, Lex, and Aurora,

I'm sorry to leave on such short notice, every day since you guys arrived, my desire for revenge on your mom's sect only grew. I couldn't leave at the time because of Lex and he still needed care but now I am confident enough to leave you guys alone. Another reason why I didn't leave earlier was that I couldn't do it alone. I also needed to wait for my friends to prepare. I couldn't bear to say goodbye to you guys in real life so I decided to leave it in a note. I don't know how long it will take so I hope that you guys will have a safe journey. I hope that you will forgive me for being able to say goodbye to you physically. I have left you guys a storage ring. It should have enough money for you guys to live for ten years. Please don't try and find me.

With love,

Your grandfather

Reading this Leo understood what had happened. Last night grandfather stayed up late and did not sleep, this must be why. After reading this, Leo left the house and decided to walk around to the clan head's house ignoring breakfast.

*knock* *knock*

The door was opened by Aron and he looked as if he had just woken up.

"Huh?Leo? What are you doing here?"

"I came to ask you about my mom's sect," replied Leo quietly.

"Sigh... Has your grandfather left?" Aron asked again, shaking his head in a slightly worried tone.

"Yes. He left me a letter," replied Leo.

"Come in, I'll tell you about it over a cup of tea," said Aron as he opened the doors and led Leo into the living room.

Aron brought Leo and sat him on a comfortable cushioned chair while his wife came in and brought some tea.

After taking a few sips, Aron began and started speaking slowly, "The sect that your mom belonged to is called the Opal sect. Back then, its strength was no less than the Decan clan, it's possibly even stronger now. I had a feeling that your grandfather would do this and I tried countless times to persuade him not to leave but he was so fixed over this. Sigh, I hope that he succeeds. The role of the grand elder is not a simple one. If he was to get injured, then the Decan clan would be in peril. Our strength would weaken and control over Sapphire city would fall onto another clan. I hope that he only goes after your mother's master. If he goes for more people, then I am certain that he would not survive."

"Interesting... What was the cultivation of the sect leader at the time?" asked Leo with a curious expression.

"Hmmm... If I remember correctly... I think he was at refinement energy stage one. He should've improved by now. I think he should be at stage two by now," answered Aron with a serious expression.

"That's not much of a problem for grandfather. Why are you so worried? If it's just a stage two then there shouldn't be much of a problem."

"The sect leader isn't the main problem. The main problem is the grand elders. They all have stage three cultivation. Although your grandfather is also stage three, it would be a one versus four. The odds aren't in his favor," spoke Aron as he spoke in an extremely wise tone.

"Where is it located?" asked Leo in an extremely serious tone.

"Are you thinking of going after him?" asked Aron.

Leo gave a simple obvious nod.

"It's located quite close. It's about five hours east of here," replied Aron as he deeply sighed.

"I see. Thanks for telling me. I should go now, Aurora and Lex are still at home waiting for me to make breakfast. Thanks for the information uncle Aron," said Leo as he stood up and bowed towards Aron and headed towards the exit.

"No problem," replied Aron as he happily waved goodbye to Leo.

"Oh yeah! Uncle Aron! I think we will leave the clan tomorrow. With grandfather gone, there is nothing to do. I also think that the clan members would prefer it this way," spoke out Leo.

Hearing this, Aron's body suddenly shook in surprise. These nine years, he had grown to really like the three. Leo was a really smart, mature child. Aurora was a beautiful, kind girl and Lex was a playful, lovable child. Hearing Leo say that they were going to leave shocked him quite a lot. But his role as clan head was too important and if they stayed here, it would really affect the reputation of the clan and cause massive internal problems so he couldn't refute their decision.

"I see, then I presume you will be leaving tomorrow without telling anyone?"

Leo nodded.

"I see. Safe travels, Leo. I hope you and your group survive and live well. I'm really sorry about the clan," apologized Aron as he felt like he had failed his role as an uncle.

"It's fine. I don't blame you. Please prevent everyone in the clan from being too arrogant, if they end up messing with my group then I can only apologize for the consequences now," replied Leo in a cold tone as he faded off into the distance.

As he got home, he found that Aurora had made breakfast already and they were eating while reading the note. Lex was in quite a sad mood while Aurora was quite indifferent about it. When Leo informed them that they would be leaving tomorrow, they were quite surprised but very soon, excitement and curiosity were written on their faces. Lex had never gone outside of Sapphire city ever since he could walk so he was quite excited. While Aurora was relieved, she did not want to stay here anymore, especially after hearing that Andy had left.

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