Chapter 33. Starting a short trip to Solara

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Chapter 33. Starting a short trip to Solara

"Sister Aurie! Hey! How's it going? Did you find the herbs that you wanted?" asked Lex as he cheerfully smiled back towards the bushes.

Another rustle sounded as Aurora walked out from the thick bushes. She was in her usual attire of pink long-sleeve shirt and dark blue skirt.

As she walked out onto the sandy yellow riverbank and Leila immediately caught her eye.

"My, my! Who is this little beauty here?" asked Aurora as she gave Leila a very welcoming smile.

"She's a little girl from the village nearby called Solara. Her name is Leila, she's my friend," replied Lex as he continued training.

"Hello..uh... Madam," said Leila in a very stuttered manner as she bowed and gave a greeting. The beauty of Aurora made her feel like Aurora was from a noble descent so she decided to greet her in a very polite manner.

Seeing herself being treated like this, Aurora suddenly froze for a few seconds. She slowly walked to Leila and sat herself down right next to her.

She reached out a hand and examined Leila's wound.

"Nicely done, Lex! You treated her wounds well. If you had made any large mistake, it would've taken much longer for her to wake up," said Aurora as she gave Lex a thumbs up.

"Of course, I did it well. You and brother are always forcing me to learn medicine so if I failed to save her then you guys would have beaten me to death," replied Lex with a fake arrogant voice as he continued shape-shifting the water.

Aurora turned her attention on Leila and politely asked "You stabbed yourself?"

Leila was in shock, she found it completely unbelievable that Aurora who was a fifteen year old teen could examine her wound so quickly. She stayed quiet for a few seconds and looked up at Aurora and nodded.

Immediately as Aurora saw Leila's face, her eyebrows scrunched up in anger while scared the heck out of Leila. The wrath of a noblewoman was not to be taken lightly by villagers.

"Who beat you up to this degree?" Aurora asked coldly as her eyes suddenly turned cold. Upon closer inspection of Leila's face, she could discern that it used too be swollen. It immediately brought back memories of Meno village and her pain. This caused her to lose her cool.

"Chill out, sister Aurie. Oh yeah! You should introduce yourself to her first," spoke out Lex as he walked back to them.

"Haha, I completely forgot about that," Aurora broke out in laughter, "I'm sorry for flipping out like that. I am Aurora Wellbloom. I am Lex's brother's friend. We are also from a small village like you but our village got destroyed during the start of the war."

Leila could not believe her eyes at this moment. These people were dressed so nicely and the clothes that they were wearing were not village clothes.

"Sis Aurie, have you seen brother? I want to go and visit Leila's village," asked Lex as he started telling Aurora the rest of the story of how Leila ended up like this.

Hearing the story, Aurora got more and more concerned about Leila's parents.

"Well... I haven't heard from your brother yet but I think that we can go to the village. He gave us the talismans so he should always know where we are. Plus, the village is only fifty or so kilometers away," Aurora as she couldn't keep waiting. The situation was too similar to their childhood experience. They had to go and do something otherwise more and more people would get hurt.

"Leila have you started cultivation yet?" asked Aurora.

Leila nodded and said, "I am at early manipulation realm."

Hearing this, Lex and Aurora shook a little bit.

"Leila, how old are you ?" asked Lex.

"Oh, I am six. I'll be seven in two months time," replied Leila.

Hearing her reply, Aurora and Lex both gave a sigh of relief.

Leila was quite confused with their reactions, back in the village she was seen as the most talented girl in the village among the children. Why do they seem so disappointed?

"Well then, let's go. I think we'll get there in about an hour's time, follow me, I know the way," said Aurora as she started moving in a certain direction.

"If you get tired, tell me. I can give you a piggyback," said Lex as he started walking right behind Aurora.

Leila was puzzled and surprised by these two strange humans. She had once mentioned to them that the sect had an emission realm expert but it did not seem to faze them. It was as if these two knew no fear. However, she decided to put her faith into these people as they did some mind puzzling things that she herself could not believe. Like the medical skill of Aurora and the strange energy in Lex. Strangely there was a weird aura of faith that seemed to linger around these people. Especially Aurora, when she was up close with Leila, Leila could sense a vague killing intent around her. This gave her a comforting feeling.

While she was so lost with her thoughts, she did not realize that the two had almost faded into the horizon. She immediately ran after them and followed close behind.

"Hey sis, there was something weird about Leila. She has a very faint dangerous energy around her. When I was healing her, I saw that her blood was darker than normal. Did you find out anything?" asked Lex using a very quiet voice.

"Impressive. I am surprised that you noticed that. She does indeed have a weird energy around her. It's a very badly hidden strong dark energy. We should just keep going for now. When we meet your brother, maybe he can tell us about it. Leo read everything so he should have some information about it, I can tell that she is not lying from her energy fluctuation when she said that she is at low manipulation realm but she seems to be hiding something from us. We should just keep going. Her identity might be slightly special. But the actions that the sect that she talked about cannot be spared," replied Aurora in a very auspicious tone and immediately stopped talking once she saw that Leila was about to catch up.

Leila caught up to them a few seconds later and they began their journey to the village.

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