Chapter 20. Traveling to Sapphire city

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Chapter 20. Traveling to Sapphire city

"Leo... I left this message for you. If the Areia house was ever destroyed, I died and the trapdoor was opened, this message would come to you in our sleep. I am from the Decan family which runs Sapphire city. Back then I was the daughter of one of the grand elders of the clan. Back then, I was sent outside to a sect and that's where I met your father. I fell in love with him there but the sect had other plans as my master there had planned to have me married to his son. And because of this me and your father ran away from the sect and ended up in this village where we decided to settle. If you ever decide to go to the Decan clan then the badge should help you prove your authenticity, please find your grandfather if you make it in there. I have not talked to him since I left the sect in fear that he would disapprove of me marrying your father. He should take care of you. The badge has an arrow on its back, it should appear if you just infuse a little amount of blood. That arrow will take you towards the clan. Safe journey. Love you"

"Mom... No, mom... Mom!"

"Mom!" screamed Leo as he woke up. As he looked around he found that he was on a fresh field of grass with a fluffy forest of trees to his left and to his right was a large yellow sandy riverbank.

"My-my. I thought you were never gonna wake up," Aurora's voice rang out as she appeared from the forest with a bag of berries along with Lex on her back.

"How long have I been out?" asked Leo as he stretched his body.

"About a week. I had to spend the whole first day healing you. Your injuries were not light. There was blood and cuts everywhere on your body," said Aurora as she started grinding berries and feeding them to Lex.

"Thanks, Aurora," spoke Leo as he gave Aurora a smile and a thumbs up.

After learning of the situation, Leo adjusted his state of mind and stated contemplating whether to head over to Sapphire city or not. After hard thinking, he decided that it would be best to ask Aurora of her opinion first.

"Aurora, my mom left us a badge that belonged to her. She said we should head to her clan in Sapphire city," said Leo as he started explaining the story.

Aurora's initial reaction was one of shock as she could not believe that a villager could have such a background. But she soon calmed down after Leo showed her the badge.

"It's your choice. Whatever you do, I will follow you," said Aurora as she sweetly smiled towards Leo.

"I see. Well then. Our trip begins," said Leo as he stood up and helped Aurora with feeding Lex and they both took off in the direction of the arrow.

The journey took two months as Leo and Aurora spent time learning how to survive in the wild. They had learned how to make a tent and learned to hunt. Leo and Aurora spend their time cultivating or babysitting Lex. They would have animal meat and wild herbs for food which Aurora would cook while Leo was in the impartation hallway buying new talents for the two of them and he also spent his remaining talent points on upgrading his talents. Now Aurora and Lex had the same level of talent now. Another bonus that they acquired was that Aurora broke through to manipulation realm while Leo left her eating his dust as he reached the peak of manipulation realm. And the most beneficial of all, Leo's killing intent control went up a level as he could now control how much he radiated. Of course, it ended up in Aurora learning about it but she quickly adapted to it.

They would often stop by on other villages to obtain news and such. However, most people would ask them other unnecessary questions as a bunch of children traveling was not a normal sight. The villager did not know that the children in front of them currently had the strength to completely obliterate this village with a finger as Leo had found out that the Aranea sect had a white ranked art that could conceal their cultivation. After a few weeks of learning it, Leo had managed to upgrade the art's strength which turned it from a white to a black rank. This had completely flabbergasted Leo as he found out another function of the heavenly eyes. He could clearly see how the art worked and started to gain insights and after he started adding them to the art, it had become a black rank.

Having made a black ranked art, Leo suddenly gained an idea and started spending a small amount of time each day to study each and every art he was learning so that he could potentially upgrade it and achieve the expert stage. He had reached the final stage of each art that he was learning except the Nihility fist which was still at the beginner stage. Another bonus that Leo gained was that his soul energy was now at four thousand so he would not have to worry about being unable to buy talents for the others. Along with that, he recalled that during the library visits, he had read about mythical creatures and beasts. They would be hunted for their valuable body parts, which was bought for making potions, poison, and blacksmithing. But since they were living in an isolated village, there were no dangerous creatures nearby but since they made their way deeper into forests, they met up with some of them but they were relatively weak with the strongest having strength of gathering realm.

From their journeys through multiple villages they had found out that the Ruby empire was currently stuck fighting on the borders of the two kingdoms.

There also was a rumor that a village isolated near the border was destroyed by the Ruby army soldiers but the Lapis army arrived shortly after to stop them from advancing. But little did they know that it was Leo that did this and not the army.

But it was indeed confirmed that the Lapis army did indeed arrive at the village so it lowers the stress for Leo as he would not have to worry about the battle arriving at Sapphire city yet.

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