Chapter 36. Fight between two sect disciples

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Chapter 36. Fight between two sect disciples

As they entered, a lot of small explosion sounds sounded in the middle of the arena as two cultivators were currently fighting.

They exchanged about a hundred punches and then suddenly one of them had a lapse of judgement and this caused them to get sent flying into the wall.

"Match over, Gerald Fandeux wins," an announcer's voice called out.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are now moving forward with the next core disciple ranking battle. Next up, our rank no.3, Laura Redkin against our rank no.2, Drexler Yeates."

Immediately a loud roar of applause filled the arena as sect disciples began cheering the two on.

A masked girl came out from one end. She had white hair and was wearing a kimono-style robe that was also white. And on the other end a boy about fifteen years of age walked out. He had jet black hair and did not bother to cover up his face leaving his moderately handsome face to be seen by the public. He wore a black-golden pair of glasses with a dark brown robe.

"Interesting," Aurora quietly spoke as she observed both of them.

"The girl on the right is in a low manipulation realm and she seems to be around the same age as me. While the boy on the right is still the same age as her, he is at middle manipulation but it seems like he is hiding it and only revealing cultivation at low manipulation."

"Laura! Are you ready to lose?" Drexler coldly spoke out.

"Haha. I am not going to lose to you again. Last year will not repeat itself, "Laura replied with confidence.

"We'll see about that, I'll end it in one move. I don't want to waste my energy on you, I'm waiting for Yang," said Drexler as he rushed forward. A huge lion with golden flames formed right behind him glowing with arrogance and pride while releasing overwhelmingly powerful energy.

"I can't believe it! Drexler has decided to use the lion hall's top black ranked, Golden Lion's kick," a spectator exclaimed.

"Oh my, that is the Golden Lion's kick?"

"Amazing! It's power is so immense, it must be almost at purple rank."

"I see. Well then, I won't hold back either. I have trained hard. If you think I am still the same girl that lost to you then you are wrong," Laura spoke out in retaliation. She immediately moved her hands in a very elegant and majestic manner as a illusory figure of a butterfly appeared behind her.

"My butterfly art is also now at middle stage mastery!" she confidently announced.

"Look guys! Laura is also using her strongest art," another bystander shouted in excitement.

"This is going to be amazing."

"What a showdown, just the appearance of these figures is enough to affect my inner energy."

Golden Lions Kick!

Majestic Sonic Slash!

A firm beautiful flawless hand met against an unrestrained ruthless leg. And an incredibly bright explosion of gold happened as the two energies met. Both seemed equal in power as there was a roar of a lion and screech of a butterfly resounded in equal volume.

As the battle of radiance continued, the shockwave of their energies began to crack up the arena and small cracks appeared in the walls. Each sect disciple was unable to move due to the sheer pressure.

Up in the very top of the stands where no one would be sitting, Lex, Aurora and Leila were spectating the battle. Leila had her stand behind Aurora to hide from the shockwaves as she was only at manipulation realm. Lex seemed to be really enjoying the battle as he had a smile on his face. He did not seem intimidated by this battle at all rather he seemed excited. His bright yellow eyes were fixed on the two that were currently in a stalemate.

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