Chapter 1. Encounter with God

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Today was a Monday, the start of yet another school week. Students flooded outside the school as they rushed to get home or to hang out with friends. Students living in this neighborhood would often have to walk past a crystal clear blue lake to get to their homes. However, today had something foreboding in store for us...

*Crack* "HELP!"

*Crack* "HELP!"

A series of cries rang out in a small neighborhood in the suburbs alerting all civilians who were passing by. As they turned to look over at the source of the voice, they found that it was coming from a boy who was standing in the middle of the frozen lake.

Terror was written completely all over his pale white face, his legs shakily trembling with each crack that appeared on the lake like spider webs. His eyes closed in a desperate attempt to hide and force back his tears. Nevertheless, that did not hide the fact the situation was getting more and more desperate and dangerous.

"Haha! Hahahaha!"

The mocking laughter of a group of students rang out from the shore of the lake. The group intently watched him helplessly screaming as evil grins of satisfaction constantly appeared on their faces as they listened to his pitiful cries for help.

"You idiots! The ice is breaking! Go help him!" an angry worried voice bellowed as a teenage girl screamed at the students. Her clear hazel eyes angrily looked at the boys in dissatisfaction as she desperately tried to get the boys to save me.

"Haha, that kid deserved it! He didn't do my homework for today and so I got detention, someone as useless as him should be punished!" a fat boy from the group shouted back while the others in the group gave the girl a 'mind your own business' glare.

Seeing that she was helpless and couldn't get any help. Her worried eyes then turned to the boy in the middle of the lake. The cracks around him had increased to a radius of 2 meters around him.

'I need to go and save him' the girl thought.

And just as she was about to rush in, "Milo!" another voice called out from behind the girl.

As she turned around to see a young handsome boy around the age of eighteen with brown hair rushing straight towards her. His golden-brown eyes were fixed on the boy in the lake as he hurriedly ran straight onto the white icy frozen lake surface.

"Milo! Don't move! I'm coming to get you, make sure you don't move!" the boy instructed as he skillfully moved his feet to efficiently slide across the frozen slippery surface. He quickly glanced back towards the girl and shouted "Call 911!"

And without a hint of hesitation, the girl reached inside her pocket for her phone and hurriedly started dialing the number.


"Brother! Help! There are cracks appearing everywhere! They are all around me," shouted the helpless boy in the lake.

Hearing this, the teenager screamed from the top of his voice, "Lie on the ground slowly and keep your arms wide and keep your feet together and knee bent!"

He started panicking and ran even faster as he slid across the lake towards his little brother.

Hearing his brother's command the boy followed the instructions and waited.

Seeing that his brother had done what he said, the boy gave one last push that contained all his strength and then laid down on the floor and bent his legs while sliding as he raced towards his little brother at a high speed. As he got to him, he straightened his legs as hard as he could and he managed to kick the helpless boy which caused the boy to go sliding off towards the shore.

God-given three wishes(unofficial)(incomplete but finished as I dropped it)Where stories live. Discover now