Hero's Happy Ending

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After the Celebration and after Steve returned the stones, I tried to bring my mother back. I stood outside of Tony and Pepper's house. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Orange and green energy came out of my hands. Steve, Clint, Bruce, Uncle Thor and Tony gathered around me. My hair flew into the air again.

I stopped and opened my eyes. "Did it work? Is she...?" I started.

"I'm sorry, Zee. Natasha's not-" Bruce was cut off by someone. I turned around to see my adoptive mother, Natasha.

I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her. I let go of her and looked at the boys. "Is everyone still here?" I asked.

All seven of us ran into Tony's house. We sighed in relief when we saw Pietro and Loki sitting in the living room with Morgan.

"I guess that answers our question", I said. As Loki sat on the ground, Morgan stood next to him, braiding his hair.

Pietro got up off the ground and walked towards us. "Zee, is it alright if we talk outside?" Pietro asked.

"Sure", I said. Me and Pietro walked towards the doorway. I stopped and looked back at the Avengers, who smiled at me. "Why are you all smiling?"

"No reason", The five boys said in unison. I looked at Papa, who was smiling at me too.

"Alright, you idiots know something. What's up?" I asked.

"Just go with your damn boyfriend",Tony said. I glared at him, but that glare was replaced with a smirk.

"Steve doesn't like that-" I was cut off by Steve.

"Tony's right. Go with your god damn boyfriend", Steve said.

"Yes, Captain", I said before I walked outside. Me and Pietro stood next to the lake. "So what's going on?"

"Do you remember what happened before I...disappeared?" Pietro asked.

"Yeah. You gave me a ring...which was in my jacket which was in the same building Thanos blew up", I said. I sighed. "It's all over. I don't know what we'll do now".

"Well I had a chat with Tony during our celebration. Why don't we restart the Avengers, Director Zia 'Gemerald' Romanoff", Pietro said.

"Wait. If we're building another Avengers team, can we make sure this one doesn't split up?" I asked.

"Yeah. The world still needs heroes, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does. This time, Papa can be apart of it. Oh, and Sam and Bucky could be apart of it. If they want to".

"Wanda, Peter Parker and Rhodey".

"The five of them and us. We could find more heroes. We should rebuild the Avengers Facility because I don't know where else to put it", I said.

"I know what else we should do while we wait for the next threat", Pietro said.

"What?" I asked. Pietro pulled out a ring from his pocket. I smiled at him. "Oh Pietro". I felt happy tears fall from my eyes.

Pietro got on one knee. "Zia Lokidottir...will you marry me?"Pietro asked.

I looked to my left. I saw Papa, Mom, Clint, Uncle Thor and Wanda standing next to each other. I looked to my right to see Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Bruce, Steve, Sam, Bucky and Rhodey. Behind Pietro was the Guardians of the Galaxy.

I looked at Pietro. More tears fell from my eyes. Starting the New Avengers and Marrying Pietro. This is the hero's ending I always wanted. What more could I ask for.

"Yes", I said. Everyone cheered. Pietro puts the ring on my finger. After I looked at the ring, I pulled Pietro closer to me and our lips touched as everyone continued cheering.

I know another villain will come someday, but for now, I just want to enjoy my hero's ending.

Ends (Sequel to Mischievous and Gemerald)Where stories live. Discover now