New York 2012

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I landed in New York with Tony, Steve, Scott and Bruce. This was when Papa attacked earth with the Chitauri.

"Alright, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown. One stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock",Steve said.

We heard the Past Hulk. He smashed a Chitauri with a car. He grabs one of the tires and throws it at a Chitauri that was about to shoot at him. He got on top of the tipped over car and started jumping on it.

We looked at Bruce, who was trying to hold his laughter. "Maybe smash a few things along the way", Steve said.

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever",Bruce said as he ripped off his T shirt. He walks toward a car and does a poor job of roaring.

"Banner, you're a poor actor", I said.


I stood on a building outside of Avenger tower with Tony. Scott was with us, but, you know, he was really small.

"Better hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here",Tony said.

"Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now", Steve said through the comms.

I sighed. "Just like old times", I said. Tony looks at me. We fist bump each other.

Me and Tony flew to the window. We hid behind the wall. "If it's all the same to you...I'll have that drink now", Past Loki said.

"Papa", I mumbled. Tony puts a hand on my shoulder.

"By the way, feel free to clean up",Past Tony said.

"Mr. Rogers, I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass", Tony said. I tried my hardest not to laugh.

"No one asked you to look, Tony",Steve said through the comms.

"I think you look great, Cap", Scott said. He was standing on Tony's shoulder. "As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass".

I frowned. I'm starting to wish that I went with Clint and Natasha. "Scott, Steve doesn't like that kind of talk", I said.

"Really, Romanoff?" Steve asked.

"Stevie, I'm not going to let go of it. Sorry", I said. The elevator opens. Strike team came out of the elevator, along with my old nemesis. "Brock Rumlow".

"We can take that off your hands",Past Sitwell said.

"By all means", Past Natasha said as she handed it to Past Sitwell. "Careful with that", she said as she walks toward Clint.

"Yeah, unless you want your mind erased and not in a fun way", Past Clint said.

"Yes, it'll squeeze your brain and pull out your eyes. Your brain eventually becomes jelly and your eyes turn into nothing...Along with your heart", Past Me said. Past Clint puts a hand over Past me's mouth.

"Don't worry. She's kidding", Past Clint said. He removes his hand from Past me's mouth.

"Am I?" Past Me asked. Past Clint puts his hand back over my mouth. Past Loki looked at Past Me, amused.

"Okay. I think you've made your point, Zee. Yes, you are joking".

"Who are these guys?" Scott asked.

"They are S.H.I.E.L.D. Well actually HYDRA, but we didn't know that yet",Tony explained.

"YOU didn't know it. I knew this whole time that Rumlow was a bad guy", I said.

"Yeah, she did. The rest of us didn't know", Tony said.

"Seriously? You didn't? I mean, they look like bad guys", Scott said. I nodded in agreement. Where was he during 2012?

Ends (Sequel to Mischievous and Gemerald)Where stories live. Discover now