Seeing the Family again

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Me, Bruce, Rocket and Thor arrived at the Avengers Facility. Standing outside was Tony and Steve. We got out of the ship and walked towards them.

Thor had two bottles of beer in his hand. He was wearing sunglasses. He had on a red hoodie and a white shirt.

"Want one?" Thor asked me.

"I'm good", I said.

Tony and Steve looked at Thor in shock. "Yeah, he can't stay away from beer", I said with a small laugh. I wrapped my arms around Steve. "Hi Stevie".

"Hey Zee", Steve said. I let go of Steve and looked at Tony.

"Hi Tony", I said with a small smile.

"Hi Zee", Tony said. We all stood in an awkward silence. The silence was broken by Steve.

"Thor, it's good to see you", Steve said. Thor pulled Steve and Tony into a hug, but accidentally pulled me into the hug as well.

"Uncle Thor, I'm stuck. Uncle, I'm stuck", I said as I tried to wiggle out of this hug. Thor let go of the three of us. "I was stuck".

"Sorry", Thor said. He went inside with Steve, Rocket and Bruce, leaving me and Tony outside by ourselves.

I sighed. "I missed you, Oldie", I said.

"I missed you too, Pain", Tony says. I wrapped my arms around him. After looking into Tony's mind, I looked up at him and smiled. "What?" he asks.

I let go of Tony. "You're a father now",I said with a big smile. Tony sighed. He nodded. "What's her name?"

"Morgan", Tony said.

"Aw", I said. Tony chuckles. "Does this mean I'm an Auntie?"

"I'm an Uncle figure to you".

"Than I have a cousin".

"Sure, Pain. You have a cousin".

I saw another ship land next to the building. It opened up. My adoptive  mother and father, Natasha and Clint came out of the ship. I walked towards them as they walked towards us. I wrapped my arms around Natasha.

"Hi Mom", I said. I let go of Natasha and hugged Clint.

"Hey Zia", Clint says. I let go of him. "Wow, you're all grown up. 23 years old". I chuckled quietly.

"You changed your hair", Natasha said.

"Yeah, but it won't last long on Asgardian hair", I said.

"That's too bad. It looks awesome",Clint said.

"Thank you", I said.

"Where's your Uncle? Did he come?"Natasha asked.

"Yeah...we should prepare you", Tony said.

"Prepare what?" Mom asked.

"He only agreed to come here because Rocket said there's beer on the ship. He. Will not. Stay. After. From Beer", I explained.

"Oh", Clint says. I nodded in agreement.

"And there's something else", I said. "Let's just say he looks...different".

"Zee, what do you mean by that?"Clint asks. Before I could say anything, Steve and Thor came back outside. My adoptive parents looked at him in shock.

"Romanoff. Barton", Thor says as he walks toward us.

"Hi", Mom said. He pulled Clint and Natasha into a hug while accidentally pulling me in it as well.

"I'm stuck. I'm stuck again. Uncle. Uncle", I said as I tried to wiggle out of the hug. I made my way out of the hug and stood next to Steve and Tony. "I got stuck again". I pushed a strand of hair out of my face. I took a deep breath.

Ends (Sequel to Mischievous and Gemerald)Where stories live. Discover now