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We were all in the Ship that belonged to the Guardians of the Galaxy. We flew to the planet that Thanos is on.

"Okay. Who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked as he turned around to look at us. Rhodey, Natasha and Steve raised their hands. I was in space when Asgard was destroyed so that counts. And I was in space with the Guardians and when I saved Yondu and Peter.

"Why", Rhodey asked. Me and Carol chuckled.

"You better not throw up on my ship",Rocket said.

"Approaching jump in three...". We all held onto our seats. "...Two...One".

In front of us, colorful lights zoomed passed us. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

The lights disappeared. In front of us, was a planet. Carol flew out of the ship. "I'll head down for recon", Carol said through the comms.

Me and Thor looked at each other. "It's gonna be alright", I reassured. "We're going to see Papa". Thor smiled at me.

"You always seem to have hope no matter how bad things get", Thor said.

"I got it from my Uncle".

Carol flew back to the ship. "No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind. It's just him", she said through the comms.

"And that's enough", Nebula said.


Me, Steve and Natasha walked into Thanos's new retirement home. Rocket turned over Thanos arm which was on the ground and looked at it. "Oh no", he said softly with a sad expression on his face as he looked up at us.

Me, Steve and Natasha looked at the gauntlet. The stones weren't in there. I looked at Steve with a worried expression. Steve looked at me and Natasha. We looked at Thanos

"Where are they?" Steve asks.

Thanos doesn't answer. "Answer the question", Carol said.

"The universe requires correction",Thanos said. I took out my dagger. Steve grabs my arm. "After that, you and the stones served no purpose beyond temptation".

"You murdered trillions", Bruce said as the hulkbuster armor pushed Thanos down.

"You should be grateful", Thanos said. I punched Thanos in the face. "You should be too. I should've killed you when I had the chance. I sparred your life".

"You're insane. You're a madman. You call it mercy and you expect us to be grateful. We lost loved ones, but you'd never know what that's like", I said.

"I saw her inside of you", Thanos said.

"Gamora", I realized. He was referring to Gamora. His daughter, which he killed.

"Where are the stones?" Natasha asks.

"Gone. Reduced to atoms", Thanos said. I stepped back, away from Thanos.

"You used them two days ago", Bruce says.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me", Thanos said.

I looked down at my hands. I still had my powers, but Thanos isn't lying. I looked at the Avengers. They were all looking at me.

"Zee, can you undo it?" Rhodey asks.

"She can't do it by herself. She needs the stones to reach her full strength, but the work is done. It always will be. I am...Inevitable", Thanos says.

"We have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying", Rhodey says.

I shook my head. "He's not lying", I said. "I felt it. When he destroyed the stones, I felt it".

"My father is many things. A liar is not one of them", Nebula said.

Thanos looked at her. "Thank you, daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly", he said.

Thor used stormbreaker to cut off Thanos head. The head rolled toward me. Everyone looks at me. "Oh, I'm not keeping that", I said as I took a huge step back.

"What did you do?" Rocket asked.

We looked at my Uncle. "I went for the head", he said. I looked at Thanos head. Nebula closed her father's eyes.

"They're gone", I mumbled sadly. I tried my best to hold back my tears.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Thor. He held out his hand for me to grab it. "Come with me, Little one", he said.

I turned around to look at Thanos. I turned back around to look at Uncle Thor. I grabbed his hand. Together, me and Thor walked away from the Avengers and the body of Thanos.

Ends (Sequel to Mischievous and Gemerald)Where stories live. Discover now