Oh Snap

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I woke up to see Loki, Pietro and Natasha sitting next to me. Natasha and Loki helped me off the ground as the four of us stood up.

"D-Did we win?" I asked. Natasha shook her head sadly. "We lost". Loki and Natasha took my hands. Natasha held my left hand. Loki held my right hand. "What happens now?"

"We'll find a way to fix this. Just like we always do", Natasha says.

"I'm...", I started. I looked at Loki."I'm scared, Papa".

"Don't be afraid, Zia. We will figure this out. You told me not to loose hope. Now, I'm asking you too not loose hope", Loki says. I nodded.

"Steve", I heard Bucky call out. We all looked towards Bucky and saw him disintegrate. I gasped. My parents let go of my hand. I put both hands over my mouth, wanting to cry.

"Bucky. No", I said. "I-Is that what happens? Is that because of Thanos?"

"His goal was to wipe out half the universe. I think this is what he meant", Loki says. I looked over at Groot and Rocket. I saw Groot turn into dust.

"I am Groot", Groot said.

"No, No, No", Rocket said.

"Groot", I said. I looked over at Wanda and saw her turn into dust. I ran towards her. "Wanda".

"I'll be okay", She said before she fully turned into dust. The dust landed in my hands.

I walked towards Thor. I wrapped my arms around him. Thor puts one arm around me. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

I let go of Thor. I looked up at him and saw him look at something behind me in shock. "No", he said. I looked behind me and gasped.

Me and Thor ran towards Loki. "Papa", I said. "Please don't go".

"I'll be fine", Loki said.

"No! I can't loose you again", I said. "Please". Loki puts a hand on my cheek. He kissed me on my head.

"It's alright", he said before he as well disintegrated.

"Papa! No!" I said as I started to cry. I looked at Pietro, hopping he wasn't going to go either.

"Zia, there's something I wanted to ask you", he said as he pulled something out of his pocket. Before I could see what it was, Pietro disintegrated. The object in his hand fell to the ground, landing next to my boot.

I kneeled down to pick up the object. I stayed kneeling as I looked at the small object.

It was a ring.

I looked up at my mother and Uncle. Nat looked at me sadly as Thor puts a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the ring. I wanted to marry him, but will I ever see him or my father again?

I began to cry once more.


Ends (Sequel to Mischievous and Gemerald)Where stories live. Discover now