Aunt Hela

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I walked back towards the city. I turned the corner and I saw my aunt standing in front of a lot of warriors including one of the members of the warriors three, Hogan. I hid behind a pillar so that she or the warriors wouldn't see me.

"It's come to my attention that you don't know who I am", Hela says. "I am Hela. Odin's first born. Commander of the legions of Asgard. The rightful heir to the throne and the Goddess of Death".

The warriors aim their weapons at her. I looked at them like they're crazy. If she's the ruler of death then how do these people expect to defeat her.

"My dead. As are the Princes, You're welcome", she said. I knew that was a lie. Thor and Loki aren't dead. She was telling the truth when she said grandfather died. "We were once the seat of absolute power in the cosmos. Our supremacy was unchallenged yet Odin stopped at Nine realms. Our destiny is to rule over all others and I am here to restore that power. Kneel before me and rise into the ranks of my great conquest".

This is worse than I thought. She's crazy. She even did the whole "kneel" thing that Loki did. Well at least you can tell those two are related. Wait. Loki's adopted. So how does he and Hela look like siblings, act like siblings and say the same lines? I'm starting to think Thor is the adopted one.

"Whoever you are, whatever you've done, surrender now or we will show you no mercy", Hogan said. I bit back my laughter.

"Whoever I am? Did you listen to a word I said?" Hela asks.

"This is your last warning".

No, don't do it. You can't beat her.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me",Aunt Hela said. "Fine". Spikes grew from her head.

Hogan attacks her. Hela throws swords at him. She kicks him into a wall. The other warriors charged at her. I watched as she defeated a whole army of warriors all by herself. She's too strong. I can't beat her. I don't know if the two infinity stones that I have with me will help.

When she was done, the whole army of warriors were on the ground, dead. She even destroyed the ships. My eyes widened when I saw Skurg standing by her.

"Oh, I've missed this. Still, it's a shame. Good soilders dying for nothing. All because they couldn't see the future. Sad", Hela says. She looks over at Hogan, who was getting up off the ground and he was the only one alive. "Oh. Look. Still alive. Change of heart?"

"Go back to whatever cave you crept out of...You evil Demoness".

Hela throws a huge spike at him. It went through his body. I put my hands over my mouth. I walked away to find more people.


I found two or three families before I went back up the mountain. Heimdall was standing in front of a huge door. I noticed that he had the sword he uses to open the Bifrost. He showed me how to open the door. The door opened and the people of Asgard was inside.

We lead the families inside. Then, we closed the door and went out to look for other families. "Heimdall, I saw my aunt", I said. "I saw her defeat the legions of Asgard by herself".

"Now that she is here, Hela's powers have been restored. The longer she's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows", Heimdall explains.

"But Uncle Thor and Papa will be able to defeat her, right?" I asked.

"I do not know, but let's hope for the best. Our job is to protect the people until your father and uncle can find their way back".

Ends (Sequel to Mischievous and Gemerald)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя