Five Years Later Pt.1

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For the past five years, I've been in pain because of the snap. I mean, I was handling it better than my Uncle. I didn't gain weight or have a sudden obsession to beer. I think I should start from the beginning.

During year one of living with my Uncle, I helped him build New Asgard. I got to know more about Valkyrie. She told me about her battles, how she met Thor and Loki, and what happened while me and Heimdall were protecting the people on Asgard from Hela. Me and Thor have a house in new Asgard. We live with Miek and Korg. It took me a while to get used to living with them and having to share a room with Korg, but I finally got used to it. My teal leather jacket hung on my bed. In its pocket was the ring that Pietro gave me.

On the second year, Uncle Thor started to have an obsession with beer and started gaining weight. I remember that one morning, I woke up and walked into the living room to see him, sitting on the couch. When I noticed how big his stomach got, I screamed, scaring him. He dropped the bottle of beer that was in his hand.

On the third year, I couldn't take it anymore. I tried to get him back into shape. I gave up 2 weeks later. THE GUY WON'T STAY AWAY FROM BEER!
When I explained how I wasn't okay with the way Thor was handling his problems, we ended up having our first argument. The conversation ended with me telling my Uncle that I wish Papa was still here and I stormed off to my room. Well me and Korg's shared room. I laid in my room, crying into my pillow until Korg came in and tried to give me a heartwarming conversation. It didn't help, but I know he tried. So I thanked him before I got under the covers and fell asleep.

After me and Thor had our second argument on the fourth year, I decided to do some research. I wanted to find a way to bring everyone back. I want to reverse Thanos snap so I could see Papa and Pietro and the rest of my superhero family. Even today, the fifth year, I'm still searching for hope.

Ends (Sequel to Mischievous and Gemerald)Where stories live. Discover now