Five Years later Pt.2

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"I don't know what to do about Thor. He's handling his problems with drinking. We already had...three arguments. I wish they were still here. It been 5 years. I'm trying to hold onto my hope, but how can I? I don't know whether to say if they die, disappeared, were killed or disintegrated because I literally saw my friends, my father and my love turn into dust. I should've used my damn superpowers. They're gone because of him, but because I didn't use my gift, I feel like part of it is my fault".

"You can't blame yourself, Zia. None of us could've stopped him", my adoptive mother, Natasha said. Me and Natasha have been in contact for the last five years, but we haven't seen each other in person ever since Thor killed Thanos.

"I could've stopped him. My powers come from the Infinity stones. You know, I'm trying to tell myself that there's hope. There's a way we can fix it. Now, it feels like that hope disappears every day", I explained.

"You know, one of the things I love about you is that you always seem to look on the bright side", Natasha said.

"I got it from the one person who lost hope", I said as I looked at the door.

"He'll come around", Natasha said. "I have to go. I have to talk to a few people. I'll call you later in the week. I love you".

"I love you too, Mom", I said. The call ended.


That night, I was sitting on my bed, reading a book. Korg came in and sat down on my bed. "Zia, do you want to play Fornite?" Korg asked.

I looked up from my book. I looked at Korg with a shocked, but angry expression. "Is my Uncle playing too?"I asked.

"Why yes".

"Oh, hell no", I said as I got up and walked out of my room. Korg followed behind me. I saw my Uncle try to reach for the controller which was on a table that was in front of him. I crossed my arms as I watched him struggling to grab the controller. "Oh. So there's nothing to worry about", I said.

"Zia, remote?"Thor asked.

"Alright that's it", I said. "You need to stop sitting on your ass all day. It's exhausting and it's annoying, Uncle".

"Why are teenagers so moody?" Thor asks. I glared at him.

"I'm 23", I snapped.


I took a deep breath. "Uncle, I understand that you want want to die. Well guess what. So do I, but I'm not because I'm trying to find a way to bring them back", I said.

"Zia, not this again. You need to let-",Thor was cut off by me.

"No! No, I will not let go! How could you say something like that? What happened to my Uncle?! The one that was full of hope! That's you! Listen, I am standing right here, Uncle Thor! All our friends are gone! Tell me that there's hope! Tell me that we can find a way to fix all of this!", I shouted.

"Zia, what hope is there? It's been five years! Nothing's going to change. Our friends are gone! Your father is gone!"Thor argued. I felt a pain in my stomach when he said the last sentence. "So let it go".

Tears filled my eyes. His eyes softened when he saw my expression, realizing he went to far. Thor was going to speak, but I beat him to it. "MY FATHER'S NOT GONE! NONE OF THEM ARE! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT ABOUT LOKI?! YOUR OWN BROTHER! IF YOU WOULD HELP ME FIND A WAY TO GET THEM BACK, MAYBE WE'D SUCCEED, BUT I GUESS, LIKE YOU SAID, THEY'RE GONE FOREVER!" I shouted. "I wish I went with them!"

I ran to me and Korg's room and slammed the door behind me. I got onto my bed and cried into my pillow.

When I stopped crying a few minutes later, I heard the door open. I could tell it was two people because I heard two pairs of footsteps.

I knew one of them was Korg because when he slopped down on his bed he let out a sigh. I was hoping the other footsteps belonged to Miek or Valkyrie, coming to visit.

When the person sat on my bed, I could tell it was Thor. I pretended that I was asleep. "Zia, I know you're awake", Thor said. I opened my eyes. I turned around to face Thor. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said those things".

"It was a very unworthy thing for you to say", I said. He nodded in agreement.

"I miss them too. I should've gone with them as well", Thor said.

"No. These people need you", I said.

"So do you".

"I won't stop having hope. I can't. The infinity stones are what created this mess. If I have the power of them all, I could find a way to fix this. I have to",I said.

Thor sighs. "If there is a way to fix this. I promise you I will take that chance. I want you to be happy, Zia. I know I can never replace your father-" Thor was cut off by me.

"I know. Papa would've wanted you to look after me. That's why you took me with you", I said. After looking into his mind, I spoke again. "You didn't fail me, Uncle. I know you tried your best". I sat up and kissed him on the head.

He got up from the bed and walked towards the door. He looked back at me and said, "Good night".

"Good night, Uncle", I said.

Ends (Sequel to Mischievous and Gemerald)Where stories live. Discover now