It's Over

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I was waiting for Cam outside the school. "Where is he?" I wondered back and forth. My phone buzzed. It was form Cam. "I'm not coming. Sorry. It's over." I looked around confused. I sat down on the steps. I started to call him non-stop. "Cam, are you okay?" I kept leaving messages. Finally I called it quits and left for home.

I lied down on the couch with my phone, starring at the message Cam sent me. I started to tear up. I really liked him, I do really like him. What happened? We had a perfect run! Katie walked in. "Are you crying?" I turned away. "What's wrong?" I showed her my screen. "Oh. Harsh." I looked at her with tears dripping down my face. "What did I do wrong? We had a perfect run." Katie put her feet up on the table. "Yeah, when Jake and I brokep I took it like this too." I looked at her with anger. "Is that suppose to be making me feel better?" She touched my arm, "But it'll get better. Trust me. Maybe you will get back together tommorrow, and he'll forget about it." I starred at the ceiling. "I'm getting my hopes up, Katie." She got up. "Maybe you should go to bed. You'll probably feel better in the morning." I shrugged and walked into my room and turned off the lights, then flopped on my bed. "I miss you already Campbell Saunders." I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

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