Quarantine Birthday

Start from the beginning

Isabella shook her head and called her brother. He picked up almost immediately.

"Hey cookie." Eddie greeted his sister. "Hey big guy. I need help from regarding something." Isabella said, Tom listening closely.

"Why did she call Eddie?" Harry asked, confusion on his face. Tom sushed him as he continued to listen to Isabella.

"Yeah? Go ahead, I am listening." Eddie said from the opposite line. "Its rhetorical question. What does a man look for in a ring for him?" Isabella asked, biting her lip.

"Are you asking Harrison to marry you?"  Eddie asked at once. "Maybe. Just answer the question." Isabella said, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"If I am being honest, man looks for something they love to be in the ring. But also most men goes for simple ring. What does Harrison love?"  Eddie asked.

"He is a batman boy, but he loves nature more than anything. Are you suggesting that I do something batman themed?" Isabella asked, tom almost immediately opened her phone.

"Oh no, I am not going to lie, superhero themed or any themed rings don't work for men, for ladies maybe. But not for men. You should go for nature themed." Eddie said and Isabella nodded her head.

"I know what I will do. Thank you big guy for helping me. I love you." Isabella said, smiling.

"Love you too cookie. And one more thing, I am so proud of you. Do send me the pictures of your proposal. I would love to see them."  Eddie said, and Isabella could sense that he was emotional.

"I love you too big guy. Give little munchkins their God mother's love. I will be visiting soon." Isabella said before hanging up.

"So...?" Tom asked looking at her. "I know what to do." Isabella said before going to an online jewel shop that she always ordered from and had antique jewelleries.

"Ok, Harrison is fast asleep. I made sure about it." Isabella said, early in the morning. "I have cleaned up the kitchen and Sam is going to be here in the few minutes with the cake." Harry said as he kept the card box of decoration on the table.

"Good, Tuwaine and Tom, your duty is of backyard." Isabella said as she handed another box of decorations.

"Aye aye captain." Tom and Tuwaine said in unison before they grabbed the box and headed to the backyard.

"I will take living room. You look into music, you might need the upper hand." Harry said as he took the box with strings and confetti.

Isabella's phone started to ring. She took the phone and kept it between her ear and shoulder.

"Isabella Redmayne speaking." Isabella said as she opened her laptop and started to arrange the playlist.

"Miss Redmayne, the ring has been sent and will be arriving at your house in half and hour." The man from the opposite line said.

"Thank you so much for delivering the ring in such a short time period." Isabella thanked the man before the line went off.

After shuffling with the music and setting up the music system in the yard, Sam arrived with the cake.

"Here, sanitizer." Isabella said as she tossed Sam sanitizer. "Thanks." Sam said as he went to Harry's room to take a shower.

"I am going to make breakfast. Where are Tom and Tuwaine?" Isabella asked as she kept the cake in the fridge.

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