"Possible... after all, when we poked it, it moved." Yunlan also said and suddenly the white egg starts to glow again and flew out from Yunlan's arms and started to circulate around the black egg.

"Wei, put your egg back down on the pillow. Maybe white one is trying to heal it." Yezun suggest and Shen Wei softly laid his injured egg back on the pillow on the table.

Just as Yezun speculated, after a while, black egg condition looks healthier when white egg glowing above it but after a while, the white egg's glow starts to dim and laid down near black one.

"Hmm, is it done healing?" Wei inquires and check to see if the crack is still here but no, the crack has closed.

"No, not fully. I think the white one use up too much of its energy for the black one and now trying to replenish its energy." Chu thoughtfully said causing others to look at him.

"I just found out that these two eggs are connect with these idiots bonding. They share same string as them." Chu answer while pointing eggs to Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan.

"Does that mean both geges can use their power to help heal them?" Guo excitedly ask because he is feeling sad for the unhatched eggs.

"I believe so since they four share the same bond together... but if they use their power, other demons will also sense it" Chu warns.

"Don't worry about them. My phoenix is still putting up barrier around the house. They won't know the location.

"Well, if that the case, why don't you both give it try? Yunlan try to heal white egg and Shen Wei do the same with black one." Chu asks.

"Okay, uncle. I just wish to heal them like I did with Ah Lan, right?" Shen Wei ask and Da Quing nods a yes.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work making Shen Wei frustrated.

"Am I doing something wrong? It's not working..."

"I don't think so Wei. since mine didn't work either." Yunlan confess with sigh

"Why don't you try to combine your healing powers and heal them? Since Chu Shuzhi said both of you are connected, maybe they need your collective healing energies." Lin Jing suggests.

"It's doesn't hurt to try." Shen Wei agrees, and he intertwine one of his hands with Yunlan and their other hand is place above the eggs. This time, the eggs glows and starts to twitch and got back its original healthy shine.

"It's working geges!" Guo squeal and shortly after, glowing evaporates.

"That should have healed them. Let them rest there, we have a lot more talking to do." Yezun said


"Shen Wei, ever since your power awaken, did your past memories came back with it?" Yezun asks.

"What memories? Uncle Chu, did I forget something?" Shen Wei asks Chu.

"Shen Wei, do you recall anything relating to your mom, and the Daixing village?" Chu asks instead.

"No.... didn't you tell me that mom died in the fire when Daixing Village burned down?" Wei confusedly asks.

"I see that your memories didn't come back.... perhaps your memories lost is not due to the spell but your brain counterattack to protect you from your memories..." Yezun mumbles

"What am I missing here? If you guys don't tell me, how am I supposed to know? And who are you mister? Why do I have feeling that I should know you? And Ah Lan, what did you mean by you being Tengu and I'm being half Tengu and half human? Who is my father that you mention in the forest? Why are monsters hunting me for my power, and what power are you guys talking about? And finally, but most importantly, Da Geeee, how could you not invite me to your wedding? Don't you love and care for me anymore~~?" Shen Wei asks and asks starting from confuse tone to death serious tone to little child whining tone.

Yezun couldn't help but to burst out laughing at Shen Wei's action, while others are lost as to which train of thoughts, they should follow first: soothe confuse kid, answer all questions being ask seriously, or to calm down whining child... It's all equally hard options to make.

"You are amazing Shen Wei! While others find their sudden revelation about their power more urgent and important, but you find Da Quing's relationship more urgent." Yezun said cheerfully.

"Hey, that more important! I have known Da Ge since I was young, but he never mentions anything about being married and out of nowhere, his husband appeared! Imagine my shock and hurt feeling!" Shen Wei sulks, making him look like angry hamster that fighting to crack stubborn nut inside his cheeks. 

"HHHAHAHAHAHA! Oh god, you are hilarious Shen Wei! It has been a while since I laughed this much! You definitely have your mother's personality but your father's looks and his ability to wield high level of powers

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"HHHAHAHAHAHA! Oh god, you are hilarious Shen Wei! It has been a while since I laughed this much! You definitely have your mother's personality but your father's looks and his ability to wield high level of powers." Yezun said and Shen Wei's childish retort dies down, and curiosity fills him.

"You know my mother? And my father too?" Shen Wei ask hoping to find out more answers about his parents.

"Of course, I know them~ After all, they are my twin older brother and my sister-in-law!" Yezun said shocking Shen Wei.

"WHat!! You are my uncle from my father's side?!"

"Yep, one and only!"

"... wait, how am I supposed to know that you are not lying to me?" Shen Wei ask back, feeling suspicious because he suddenly remembers fake Lin Jing inside the forest.

"Xiao Wei, I assure you; he is not lying to you. He is truly your uncle." Yunlan reassures suspicious Shen Wei.

"Yep~ And if you still need proof, you are living doll image of your father when we were younger. We were identical twins beside my hair being silver and his is jet black like yours. If you don't believe me, ask kitten beside you. We grew up like how you and Yunlan grew up, so he knows everything there is to know about me." Yezun adds.

"Is it true, Da Ge?" Shen Wei asks and Da Quing nod yes.

"Okay, then where is my father then? And why did you only appear in my life just now?" Shen Wei fires another set of questions.

".... your father died not long after your mother when Daixing Village was attack by snake demon. Ask Chu for more details since he was there, in fact you were there too as 8 years old child, but you forgot everything about what had happen back then. I originally thought it was due to spell your father cast on you to dormant your power, but it seems like that is not the case." 


A/N: N/A

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