Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 7

Start from the beginning

"Our leader sure love Da Ge." Guo happily whispers to Chu, but Yezun and Da Quing hear it, nevertheless.

"That because I made it my principle to never go against my wife if I want to be well fed and sleep in the bed for good night rest." Yezun whispers back to Guo who is giggling now, Chu rolling his eyes and Da Quing just sigh... looking at his playful husband.

"Can we go now?" Da Quing break up their conversation and they start going toward the other group.


Shen Wei's Group

"Guys, we have company, a major one." Zhu Hong coldly said making others alert.

Just right on queue, the ground starts to shake like an earthquake but it's not earthquake. It's like something is moving below ground in large number and fast.

"What's going on?" Yunlan ask worriedly and make his hold onto Shen Wei tighter protectively, so they don't fall.

"They are coming from underground. I'm afraid we all will have a hard time fighting them." Zhu Hong admits worriedly while looking at Shen Wei.

"Why? I thought everyone in this forest is scare of you?" Lin Jing innocently asks.

"Yes, but that is only hold true for above ground creatures which is under my control. What is coming now is liè­huǒ. They are residence of wrath of fire underground. They are deadly poisonous, vicious with their attack. They don't possess understanding or emotions. The only thing they know is bloodthirst and think with their stomach, especially for strong power. They don't usually come above ground... Hey Shen Wei, who are you really? How come your power even awaken liè­huǒ? Liè­huǒ are known to be territorial to their domain and quite powerful to begin with. It's rare for them to be crazed with power awakening like creatures above ground" Zhu Hong asks Shen Wei who is silent.

"I'm sorry... I don't know either. I just found out that I'm half Tengu and human...." Shen Wei guilty apologize to others.

"Shen, it's okay. It's not your fault anyway. If anyone to blame, it's me. You guys came here to look for me, didn't you? So, thank you for coming to my aid, even though we only knew each other not that long ago." Lin Jing sincerely expresses his feeling toward Shen Wei with soft smile.

"Xiao Wei, your friend is right. You are not to blame. I knew your secret, but I failed to know about this forest. Besides, your power is not supposed to be awaken until you turn 18, so I don't understand why your power awaken earlier...I'm sorry for dragging you into danger." Yunlan also soothe guilty Shen Wei.

"*Sigh! * You idiots, calm down! I'm not blaming anyone here. I'm just curious is all. I just never experience this before. Besides, we must fight them with full strength! Yunlan, I assume you know how to use your power?" Hong asks and Yunlan nods.

"How about you, Shen Wei?" Hong asks Shen Wei.

"I don't know..." Shen Wei admits.

"Wait! We can't have him use his power! It will only drag more demons toward us!" Yunlan protest.

"Look, Yunlan. I'm sure you are worrying about your lover. But there is no point anymore. If we don't use power, nobody is getting out from here alive. Besides, demons, monsters and ghost above ground already retreating to their domain now since I'm sure they already sense liè­huǒ are coming." Hong explains.

"Shit!" Yunlan curse under his breath and look at Shen Wei worriedly.

"But how can he fight with his condition?" Lin Jing points out because Shen Wei is still staggering from his wounds.

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