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I sighed and I grabbed my phone and I called Ryan. "Hey were cleaning up" He told me and I heard laughs in the back ground.

"You're still at the office?" I asked him. "Yea Mason knocked over a bunch of glass and then Matt stepped in it" Ryan sighed and I looked down and smiled.

"Ok. Take your time I'll be waiting" I told him. "Were going at lighting speeds for you. See you in a bit" he told me and we hung up.

I got a few drinks for my self and the minutes passed. I saw my waitress and another man walking up to me. "Miss. Bradford. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" the man told me and I smiled.

"They will be here. I swear." I told him and he sighed. "I'm afraid time has run out. They aren't here and we have lots of willing and paying guests who would like to enjoy a meal" he told me and I stood up.

I pulled my wallet out and he backed up a step. I pulled a 50 out of my wallet and put it on the table. "Amazing service thank you for your time tonight" I told him and he looked pale white and confused.

Some other people were looking at me and I walked out of the doors and in to the night air. I smiled and looked at the side walk. I looked around and I sat down on a little bench on the sidewalk.

I crossed my legs and sat up straight. Another 20 minutes past and I saw 3 cars pull up and all the boys jumped out of them. They were straightening there shirts and trying not to knock each other over. They all ran from the cars and all there eyes landed on me.

"Bee?" Cameron spoke and looked at his watch. "Did you miss the table?" Sam asked me and I shook my head. "Nope I was here. But they have a stupid 10 minute rule. Let's go get icecream instead" I shrugged and stood up.

"Bee were really sorry" Mason spoke and put his hands behind his head. "We were at the office and my dumb ass stepped in a piece" Matt told me. "We should have just left it. It was fine" Toby told me. "We are really sorry for being late" Sam told me again.

"Sorry Bee"
"Were sorry"
"Were dumb, sorry"
"Sorry you got kicked out"

They all spoke and I smiled. "I'm not mad. I just want some icecream" I shrugged and started walking down the sidewalk.

"Well let us buy cause we were late" Ryan offered. "No that's ok. I wanted to do somthing for you guys. I'm buying" I chuckled and they all walked behind me.

We got to a little icecream shop and got two scoops of icecream. We sat down at a little bench table and ate our icecream in our fancy clothes.

"Hows the icecream?" Ryan asked me and I nodded. "Pretty good. Frozen cow juice" I nodded and he chuckled. We ate our ice cream and we all drove back to Cameron and I's place.

We sat on the couches and watched tv and smoked. "So Bee your really not mad at us?" Matt asked and passed me the blunt. I shook my head and took a hit.

"Not mad. We still went out didn't we" I shrugged and took another hit and passed it to Cameron. "Well were jackasses either way. We won't be late again" Cameron told me and I smiled.

"You guys can be late to as many dinners as you want. Only important stuff. Like if I win the Nobel Peace Prize then I would expect you to be on time" I shrugged and we all laughed.

We smoked and then they all went home and Cameron and I were watching Avatar The Last Airbender again. We were both still pretty fried and we were eating the snacks off the table from earlier.

"I am beat" Cameron spoke and crumpled the empty bag of chips. "Me too." I spoke and we both stood up and streached.

"Can I go out with Levi on Thursday and hang out with Stella on Saturday?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Wait is it Monday?" He asked and I shook my head and looked at my phone. "Well technically its Wensday right now" I told him and he sighed.

"Yes you can. Good night" he told me and we walked to our rooms and I shit my door and I plopped on my bed. After I closed my eyes I fell asleep.


I woke up and it was quiet. It was Wensday. Recording? I sat up out of my bed and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my phone and clicked it on. 2:32pm. Great I've missed half the day. Typical.

I stood up and I walked to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet for a few minutes and then got up once I was done. I looked at the shower and I walked out. TV? Lay in bed? I walked to my bed and sat down. Text from some people.

Cameron: Hey I went to the office and didn't wanna wake you. Were doing VR.

Me: Cool. We can finish Avatar and eat Chinese when you come home.


Levi: Hey what are you doing today? Wanna hang out with me?

Me: Just woke up let me shower. Where are you?

Levi: My apartment. I'll be there in 30 minutes to get you.

Me: I'll still be in the shower?

Levi: Yea I know. ;)

I clicked my phone off and smiled. I walked to my bathroom and got undressed and stepped in the shower. About 20 minutes through I heard the door bell ring.

It rang two more times and my phone statted to ring. I peaked my head from the shower and I giggled and answered it.

"Its open. Come on in" I spoke and I heard him laugh. "Cameron might beat me but if I get to see you in the shower it will be worth it" he hummed.

"Hes not here. Hes at the office" I told him and I heard the door open and he hung up. I set my phone down and I kept showering. I heard foot steps and a little knock on my bathroom door.

"Come in" I called and smiled to my self. "Levi?" I asked and peaked my head from the shower. He stood there and smiled as he held a towel.

"Just me" he grinned and leaned against the sink. I closed the curtain and smiled to my self. "So tomorrow were going out? Where do you wanna go?" I asked him.

"I've already made plans. I know exactly what were gonna do" he told me. "Oh?" I asked. "Uh yea. I figured you wouldn't want to cause your always so busy and I know you'll love it" he spoke and I nodded.

"I know I will. What should I wear? Is it fancy?" I asked him. "Nope. I could come over and help you dress before we go though" he told me and I laughed lightly.

I was done with my shower and I turned the water off and again poked my head from behind the curtain. "Can I have that?" I asked him and he held it open and handed it to me. I grabbed it and pushed the curtain back and wrapped my body with the towel.

"Woah" he smirked and his eyes were looking all over my body. "You've seen it a lot" I blushed and stepped out of the shower. "I've seen the sunset a lot too. Each time it gets more and more beautiful. Something you and it have in common" he told me and I scrunched my nose and smiled.

"You wanna go back to my place?" He asked me and his hands hovered over my wasit. "I'll get dressed and then we can" I kissed his lips and walked from the bathroom. I looked through my closet and I got some baggy clothes. I threw them on my bed where Levi sat.

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