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"What are you doing?" Caneron asked me and I started to pick up all my stuff.

"Podcast?" I asked and they all nodded. "Good. Lots if creepy stuff" Jay told me and I smiled. I looked at all of them and they looked so tired.

"Are you guys tired?" I asked them and they all nodded. "Ok. Well you guys stay here I've got work todo" I told them and I walked past them to the door.

"Bee wait" Mason spoke and I turned around. "What are you doing? How did you know we were tired?" Mason asked and I smiled.

"I always know, so all of you take a nap. Ryan and Sam are sick and I pray to god that you guys aren't. So eat and sleep and try to sober up just a little bit to make sure" I told them.

They all looked at me confused and I smiled. "Ok thanks bye" I nodded and I walked out of the house and back to my own.

I got home and set out the paper work and made more calls and I edited the group channel video. By the time I had organized many things it was almost 10 at night.

I had been moving crazy fast the whole day and I closed my eyes for a second and I thought of Levi. I smiled and I thought about laying on his chest.

I opened my eyes and found my self sitting over papers which was still making me smile. I went a few days like this and I saw Levi every night.

He would stay the night and leave in the morning. I took the spot of Ryan and Sam for the event thing with the guys. Each of them won an award.

The sponsors all fell in place. Videos were up. Meeting was set up for a couple weeks from now. Everyone was starting to get better and it was Sunday night.

I had school in the morning. I was laying in bed and and it was close to midnight. Cameron had been recording all day and he went to bed already. My phone lit up and I had a text from Levi.

Levi: Hey Bee. You got school tomorrow?

Me: Unfortunately I do. . . But good thing I only have like a month or two left of school. Then I am done with highschool. :)

Levi: Nice. You should let me pick you up

Me: Lol that would be amazing. The bus is weird and it smells.

Levi: Oh well in the morning too. I meant right now

Me: ;) ok. I'll be waiting on the corner.

Me: I sound like a hooker

Levi: You are way to pretty to be a hooker. I'll see you in 5

I smiled and rolled my eyes as I got dressed and climbed out my window. I walked out of the house and down the street a little ways and I saw a car.

I stopped and Levi pulled up. "Get it. Its freezing" he told me and I walked around to the other side and got into his car.

"It is really cold. Do you have a jacket?" I asked him and his eyes lit up. "Yes. Yea I do" he smiled and reached in the back and handed me a hoodie. I looked at it and then him and he looked worried now.

"Can I have the one your wearing? It's already warm, and this one is cold" I frowned and smiled a bit. He was quiet for a minute and his smile dropped bit then he chuckled.

"Haha. Funny" he nodded and I gasped. "My hands are freezing" I told him and he grabbed my hands and held them to his chest.

"Hows that honey" he asked and I scooted over to his side. I got up and sat in his lap so my feet were on my seat.

He held my hands and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Better" I smiled and closed my eyes.

"You are really cold" he told me and I nodded. He sat me up and sighed before he took off his sweatshirt and handed it to me. I smiled as I put it on and it was warm, and he put the other one on.

"Now my hair is messed up. Thank you" he nodded. I smiled and I ran my fingers through his hair. I did it a few more times and I patted down some of his hair before I put my hands together and looked at him.

His eyes were shut and he opened one of them. "Why did you stop?" He frowned and I lifted my hands up to his head.

He chuckled and pulled me back down to his chest. "You don't wanna go anywhere?" I asked me and he shook his head and I buried my face in his chest.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me and we just sat there. It felt like we were the only two people in the world.

Like this would last forever.

"Hey!" I heard a knocked on our window and we both jumped. There was a flashlight in our faces and Levi rolled down the window and I quickly got off of him.

"What are you kids doin out this late?" A cop spoke and the flashlight was pointed down. "Just sitting sir" Levi told him and the cop looked at me and I nodded. The cop glanced at me but he was focused on Levi.

"How old are you?" The cop asked Levi and he looked at the cop. "19 sir" he spoke with confidence.

"What about you?" The cop nodded at me. "18 officer" I smiled at him. "Alright well you kids get on home now. No time of night for just sittin" he told us and Levi nodded and started his car.

"Have a good night sir" Levi spoke and we drove off. It was quiet for a second and I looked at Levi.

"What was that? My heart is pounding" I told him and he chuckled. "Pretty good little lair aren't you" he chuckled and I got on my side and got buckled.

"Where are we going?" I asked him and he smirked. "My place" he shrugged.

"No Levi. I gotta get home it's almost 1 in the morning" I told him and he glanced at me.

"Just til the sun comes up. I can't have the cops on me" he told me sadly and I breathed out and nodded.

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