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There was somthing caught in my throat the whole way and I saw our house. My breath hitched and he held my hand tighter.

"Its ok. I'm gonna walk up with you" he told me and I looked at him. "No. No way. You barely stop to let me out and you gotta drive, fast" I told him and he shook his head.

"I dont think so." He smiled lightly and I put my hand over his and smiled. We stopped on the road and he got out and I opened my door but my legs were jelly.

"Come on. Its gonna be ok" he told me as he helped me out. We walked to the door and I stood there before I knocked. My eyes were shut and Levi held my hand. I heard the door swing open and I felt arms wrapped around my body.

"Jesus Christ. Bee are you ok?" I heard Camerons shakey voice. He held me tight and didn't let go. Tears spilled from my eyes and I let out a noise.

"Bee. Why are you crying? Are you hurt? What happened?" Cameron asked as he let go of me. I opened my eyes and I looked at his worried face.

"I'm fine. I'm good. Not hurt" I shook my head and sniffed. "Then why are you crying?" He asked me and I saw him glance at Levi. He still held my hand and I looked at him.

"I was scared that. I was worried that you might think or-or that you might-" I studdered and his face softened.

"Bee you know I would never hurt you" Cameron told me and I nodded. "I know you wouldn't but my- parents" I whsipered to him and I felt my chest get tight again.

"I know I know. It's ok. I'm just glad you're safe" he told me and I looked at him as he nodded.

"I'm Cameron. Bee's family" Cameron stood up tall and stuck his hand out to Levi. Levi let go of my hand and he shook Cameron's.

"I'm Levi Martin" Levi cleared his throat and nodded. Cameron shook his hand for a second longer and then let it go with a breath.

"What were you two doing?" Cameron asked his and his voice got deeper. "Nothing. We weren't doing anything" I told Cameron quickly and glanced at Levi.

"Who even are you? What are you doing with Bee?" Cameron demanded and Levi looked at him.

"I have been dating Bee for over 2 months now and-" "Dating?" Cameron asked and looked at me.

"Yea we-" "I'm sorry that I kept her from school. It will never happen again" Levi told him and Cam now looked pissed.

"No it wont." Cameron told him and there was a pause. "I'll see yea Bee." Levi spoke and I turned around and smiled at him.

"Dont count on it" Cameron told him as Levi backed off the porch. "Bye. I'm sorry" I told him and Levi smirked and kissed the air with a wink as he got in to his car.

Cameron stood there arms crossed as he drove off. I turned and went into the house. I walked for my room with quick pace.

"Parl it" I heard Cameron's voice and the door closed. I stopped in my tracks and I sighed.

"Cameron we didnt-" "Bee stop" he spoke and I looked at him. "You are old enough to know how babies are made. You are old enough to make your own decisions" he told me and I was still.

"I'm not mad you were out with a boy. I'm not mad you missed one day of school. It doesn't matter to me." He shook his head and walked over to me.

"What matters is that you are safe, and you are not dead in someone's trunk. Ok?" He smiled and hugged me again. I smiled and I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry" I told him and he patted my back. We stepped back and he looked at me.

"So the boy? What are we gonna do about him?" Cameron asked me and I sighed. "Probably dont mention him" I nodded and he pursed his lips and shook his head.

"No." He told me and I frowned. "Are you really gonna make me stop seeing him?" I asked sadly.

"No, but tell him to grow a pair and walk up to the house and ask to see you. Not the whole sneaking in and out of your window" he told me and my jaw dropped and he laughed.

"I knew the whole time!" He laughed and pointed at me. "No you couldn't have" I shook my head and he did an evil laugh.

"I was his age once too. I know what it's like to sneak around and-" "Ok Ew!" I told him and laughed as he smiled.

"I assume you told the guys?" I frowned and he nodded. "Yep. A while ago. We were just waiting" he told me and shook my head.

"Snake. You are a snake." I pointed at him and walked to my room. "A snake who loves you!" He called.

"A snake who only wants what is best for you!" He shouted and laughed as I closed my door. I smiled and I rested my head on the door and laughed a bit. I grabbed my phone and I went in the group chat.

Me: Not dead.

Toby: Thank god do you know how worried we all were??

Mason: She kicks ass i dont think anyone could kidnap her.

Jay: Mason. Buddy

Mason: What cunt?

Eric: we kidnapped her

Matt: We did that

Jay: We literally kidnapped her

Cam: We did do that. . .

Mason: Oh shut the fuck up. You know what I mean!

Eric: I also knew. She was with lover boyyyyyy

Mason: Ooooo shit. Cam what's his name?

Toby: Kissy kissy. Lover boy

Matt: Bee snuck out with a guy. First drugs and now this. To what end?

Cam: Levi Martin

Eric: Kissy love boy

Mason: Blah blah blah lover boy. Mleh

Jay: I dont know I think it's kinda cute.

I rolled my eyes and smiled as I clicked off my phone. "Gezz" I shook my head and sighed. I walked and liad on my bed. I had to text Levi.

Me: They knew.

Me: They knew the whole time. All of them

Levi: What? No way

Me: Yep now they are all making fun of me for it. Lol

Levi: what are they saying.

Me: kissy kissy love boy. Lover boy. Boy lover. 🙄

Levi: 😘🤣 I do wanna kiss you. What else did Cam say??

Me: That you needed to grow a pair and come up to the door instead of the window thing. . .

Levi: Damn he did know. Alright. I can do that

Me: Really?

Levi: Of course. I still wanna be with you.

Me: You better stop before I catch feelings

Levi: To late for me. I am on the ER table and I am not coming back from a case of stage 4 feelings.

Me: So would I have to die too? Or. .

Levi: What? Yes you would have to drink the poison and die. You've never read Romeo and Juliet? Maybe I will come back to life

Me: Fine fine. I'll die too. That's how you know someone really loves you lol

Fuck did I just send that. Oh fuck. No no cancel. Cancel. No. My heart as starting to race as I say the 3 little dots at the bottom of the screen.

Levi: That's like the definition of death by feelings and Poison. Love.

Levi: I'll text you later honey Bee. I gotta get to class. 😘😘

I looked at my screen and my mouth hung open and I smiled. I kicked my legs and waved my arms around while grinning ear to ear.

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