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She came back out in the light jeans and the purple shirt. If she raised her arms you could see her tummy.

"What are you 3 gonna wear?" She asked us and we all looked at each other and then down at the clothes we were wearing.

"You all need to change." She spoke and we sighed. I grabbed my bag and I grabbed some black jean's, of course, and showed Stella.

"Those look so cool" she told me. "Did you see that red top in there with the things on the side?" She asked me and I nodded.

"I don't think It would look good on me. Its definitely for your figure" I spoke and she waved me off. "These pants. That top go" she spoke and I walked into the bathroom and changed.

The shirt felt weird and I walked out and frowned. "I can't wear this. I'm to fat Stella" I told her and she shook her head as I turned around and started to take it off.

"Its suppose to make it hard to breath. People in the 1860's did it. Why can't we do it now?" She asked me and I closed the door to the bathroom and took the shirt off.

"What about in the closet?" I asked Stella and covered my front with the small shirt.

"Woah woah. Naked back!" Jack yelled and him and Lucas covered there eyes. "Its not naked I have a bra on" I told them and Stella giggled.

"They get so shy" she told me and I walked into the closet. "You guys are good" Stella told them and I looked around the closet.

"All my shit is on the right side. I'm pretty sure I have shoes down there too" Stella offered me and I looked to the left. Jack had some pretty cool shirts. I looked through them and I found a button up.

"Jack" I called as I put it on and started to button it up as I walked out. "I'm wearing one of your shirts cause Stella is such a skinny legend" I told him and he nodded.

"Looks cool" Jack nodded and looked back down at his phone. "Oh my god. Were actually going to a party" Stella sounded very excited.

"Shoes?" I asked her. "On the floor probably scattered" she told me and I walked back in. "Speaking of shoes. I saw you wearing a red and a black shoe a couple days ago. Was that on purpose?" Jack asked me and chuckled.

"Well Mason came over and took my shoes cause he is a goblin and we have the same shoe size" I laughed and sifted through the shoes in the ground.

"Who's Mason?" Stella asked me and I stopped for a second. "One of my friends. Hes a dork. Hes actually the guy who's dad is a stripper" I poked my head out and looked at Stella.

"All I see are heels." I frowned at her and I went back in and I found 8 inch heels and put them on very carfully. "How about these ones?" I asked and slowly walked out of the closet.

"Damn. Drop it down low" Stella raised her arms up and I laughed. "I might break an ankle" I told her and smiled.

"How tall are you with those things on?" Lucas asked me. "Uh like 6'3" I told him. "Take them off I wanna be 7 foot tall" Jack stood up and I sat down on the bed.

We talked and smoked and we were just waiting for time to pass. "Guys" I spoke and I was laying on the ground with my eyes closed.

"What?" Stella asked and I sighed. "I have somthing to tell you guys and I feel so bad cause I'm a liar and I really like you guys as friends" I spoke quickly and then sighed again.

"Are you pregnant?" Stella asked me and my eyes snapped open. They all laughed as I shook my head. "Shes got a penis I called it" Jack spoke and I sat up and smacked up.

"I don't have a penis" I laughed. "What then?" Lucas asked and I sighed. "When we first hung out you asked me if I had heard of the Misfits right?" I spoke and they all nodded.

"Well they were in America for awhile and we met" I told them and got quiet. "What were they like?" Lucas asked me excited.

"They are. Amazing" I smiled. "We became friends and then family and I lied about living with my dad" I told them.

"I live with Fitz. Cameron what ever and my parents. Well my mom I assume is still with my siblings, but my real dad is in jail" I sighed.

"You live with the Misfits? Your real dad is in jail?" Lucas shrugged. "Why would that change anything?" Stella asked me and seemed confused.

"I hope it doesn't. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys" I told them. "We already knew" Jack told me in a duh voice.

"What?" I asked and looked at him. "Grace. That slut you took home she is very talkative." Stella told me and I laughed.

"So I've been dreading this and you guys just already knew?" I asked and they all nodded. "Pretty much." Lucas shrugged.

"Let's go party then. I feel 100 times better" I spoke and stood up. I had real shoes on and we all piled into Lucas' car.

It was now dark and we were driving to Joshes house. "Everyone has there phones right?" Stella asked from the front seat and we all nodded.

"No one should be alone. I know we can all handle our selves but I don't want you guys to get lost" she told us and I smiled.

"I am the driver so if you see a drink in my hand please hit me" Lucas laughed and we all nodded. We parked about 2 blocks away and you could hear the music and it just rocked the whole neighborhood.

We saw a ton of cars and a bunch more people. We got to the house and lights were shooting out of it and the music was ear numbing.

"This is amazing!" Stella jumped and grabbed Jack's arm. "Come on" she spoke and pulled him with her.

"Guess it's you and me" Lucas smiled and held his arm out. I smiled and put my arm through his and we walked to the house. We got through a bunch of already drunk high schoolers.

I saw some Chad's playing beer pong and a couple Bro's drinking right from a keg. "You want a drink?" Lucas asked me and I nodded. We walked over and there was all sorts of shit on a table. All sorts of different booze and mixers.

"What am I making?" I guy popped up and was shaking a margarita shaker with a smile. "Uh a beer" Lucas spoke and he nodded and turned around for a can and gave it to Lucas.

"You want one too?" The guy looked at me and I smiled and nodded. "No one ever wants a fancy drink" he sighed and leaned on the table.

"Next time. I promise" I told him and he looked up with a smirk and winked at me. "I've heard that before" he spoke and I smiled and laughed a little bit.

"If not drinks then drugs. I'll be in the pool shed in 20 minutes. Salt, pepper, and a little but of coke." He spoke and ducked down behind the table.

Lucas and I both laughed and we walked off. "I think he was on a bit of salt and pepper" Lucas told me and I nodded.

"My lady. Can I open your beer?" He asked and popped his open. "Please do. I don't wanna chip a nail" I told him and he popped mine open too.

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