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"Misfits party of 9" Ryan spoke and the hostess looked at all of us. The lady leaned over to Ryan and she glanced at me.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked confused and he also looked at me. "Our dress code states that a lady must have at least nice pants on in order for us to let her in" the lady whispered and all of then looked at me.

"Well that seems like bull shit. What if she identifies as a guy?" Toby asked. "Well we still require nice pants on men as well. I am very sorry" the lady seemed uncomfortable.

"No I'm sorry. I tried to tell them. But-" I stopped and walked up to her and smiled.

"Men" I shook my head and she smiled a little as she was red in the face.

"Is it ok if I go back to my room, change, and then come back?" I asked her and she nodded. "Yes. I am really sorry about it and I-" "No no you are totally fine. It's ok. It was my fault" I smiled and she smiled back. "

I'll be right back" I looked at Ryan and he nodded. "Ok just call or text if you get lost" he told me and I nodded. I walked out of the restaurant and I walked to the hotel.

I walked in and got up to my room. I had packed a few dresses just because I didn't know what we were doing. I laid a dress out and I got cleaned up. I got dressed and looked at my self in the mirror.

Dark blue dress came down below my knee. 2 inch straps, and a slit that came to the middle of my thigh on one side. A bow in the back and a little spakle in the front were it came to my collar bone. Half my hair was up in a little messy bun and the other half was down. Still a little wet but I didn't care.

I smiled as I looked in the mirror and I grabbed my phone. I put some shoes on, made sure I had all my stuff and then I walked out the door and back to the restaurant. I walked in and there was a man standing there. I walked up and smiled.

"I'm a bit late but I'm here for Misfits party of 9" I told him and he looked at the paper and smiled.

"Of course they just bought drinks. Right this way" he told me and I walked behind him. I saw all the boys laughing and Jay spotted my first.

He stopped and just stared at me like he didn't know me for a second. I walked up to the table and I smiled now that they were all looking at me.

"Thank you" I told the guy and he nodded and walked off. I turned back to them and sat down. Matt on my left and Cameron on my right.

"So what did you guys get me to drink?" I asked and Ryan cleared his throat. "You look so good in that dress" Toby smiled and I blushed as they all nodded and made sounds of agreement.

We drank and we ordered our food and the night was pretty mellow. Half way through my meal Matt tapped me on the shoulder as people were talking.

I looked at him and he handed me a long tube looking thing and I scrunched my eyes brows and took it from him.

"Its a dab pen. Press the button and suck" he spoke and I nodded. I did it and blew the smoke under the table then a few more times before I tapped Cameron and handed it to him.

He did the same and it went around the table. Dinner was ending and I was pretty high. We all got up and we walked out of the restaurant and on to the sidewalk.

"So what are we gonna do? Sleep? Weed? Drinks? Stripper's? Weed?" Ryan asked. "You said weed twice" Jay laughed and Ryan smiled.

"I'm going back to my room" Toby spoke. "Oh me too" I nodded and I walked to Toby. "Toby wait" I called and she did and I caught up.

We walked back to the hotel with Matt and Jay and we all went our separate ways and back to our rooms. I changed and then I just laid on my bed. This was so much fun. I laid there for I don't know how long and I fell asleep in no time.


I woke up and my mouth was super dry and I took slow blinks. I stretched and I shook my legs and then sighed as I rolled out of bed and stood up.

I grabbed my phone and it was around 7 in the morning. I walked out of my room and down to the lobby. Surely they had breakfast down here.

I stumbled around and I went through this stupid line with people on either side of me. I got my food and coffee and looked for a place to sit.

Then I saw my building of a dad and walked over to him. "Good morning" I spoke and he kinda jumped and looked up from his book.

"Bee. Jesus your awake early why don't you sleep in?" He asked me and sat up a bit while closing his book. I smiled and sat down in front of him.

"You read in the morning too. Old man" I laughed a bit and he frowned. "I like to read what of it. I'm still the coolest cunt around" he spoke and wiped his shoulder and gave me finger guns.

"Ok please never do that again" I spoke and we both laughed. We sat and I ate and he read a bit.

"So what are you gonna do today?" He asked me and marked his page and set the book down. "I dont know really?" I sighed.

"Alright well I'm going to get dressed. Enjoy breakfast" he told me and stood up. He walked off and I continued to eat my breakfast.

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