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I got to the door and I knocked. "Its open!" I heard a yell and I wipe ed the door and I walked in.

"Bee is that you?" I heard Ryan's voice. "Will you stop yelling?" I heard Sam shout.

"Shut up!" Ryan yelled again and I smiled as Ryan walked out. "Bee" he smiled and walked over to me. He grabbed my shoulders and I jumped a bit and he looked at me.

"Gotta tell you somthing" he spoke and I nodded. "Is everything ok?" I asked and he let go if me and stood up.

"You gotta start school tomorrow. I know I said next week I am really sorry I thought it was next week. The fuckin whatever called me and was like you gotta get her in right now cause of the year and everything and blah blah blah" he stopped then sighed and looked at me.

"Ok" I nodded and he scrunched his eye brows. "Ok?" He asked and I nodded. "Told you she would be cool!" Sam shouted and I laughed a bit.

"Are you cool?" Ryan asked me and I nodded. "Yep of course" I laughed and nodded again.

"I've got all your papers and everything. All the stuff for school" he spoke and I nodded.

"I am really sorry" he frowned and I shrugged. "Really it's ok." I told him and he smiled. "Ok cool. School is at 8. I'll drive you or maybe Cameron cause hes like your uh legal guardian I guess" Ryan scratched the back of his head and I nodded.

"Where is the bus stop?" I asked and he looked at me. "You're not riding the bus" Sam spoke as he walked into the room.

"You guys have stuff todo. It's like a couple months" I spoke and waved them off.

"I know but Cameron does have to drive you the first day to make sure everything is alright" Ryan told me and I put my hands up.

"Did you tell him that. Its past 10 and I bet you hes still sleeping." I pointed at Ryan and my phone started to ring. Nevermind hes up" I spoke as I heard the ring tone.

I clicked on it and held it to my ear. "Good morning" I spoke. "You at Ryans?" He asked and I heard hin yawn.

"Yes. I left a note-" "On the fridge. I saw, just wanted to make sure" he spoke and I smiled.

"You go back to bed I'll be back in a bit" I told him. "Alright. Be carful call if you need me" he spoke and I nodded.

"Course I will. Good night" I told him and he hummed and I hung up the phone. "So school tomorrow" I spoke and shuttered. "Love that" I sighed.

"I am sorry, but you need knowledge" Ryan tapped my brain. "I know. Is that all? I still gotta put my room in order it's a mess" I sighed and Ryan nodded.

"Oh Eric did want you at the house. Something about a video of his being weird" Ryan rolled his eyes and I nodded.

"Ok. Thank you for telling me. I'll see you guys later" I spoke and they walked me to the door. "Walk safe" Sam spoke as I walked off the front porch.

"I will" I waved and I walked to the crack head house. I got up to the door and again I stopped. I sighed and I twisted the handle. Open. Not safe. I walked in and it was pretty quiet. I looked around and I didn't hear anything as I stepped lightly around the house.

"Hello?" I called and again it was quiet. I walked to the nearest room which was Jay's and knocked on the door softly.

I poked my head in and he was passed out on his bed I closed the door and walked to Mason room.

"Mason" I whispered and opened his door. I saw bear ass cheeks and Mason passed out as well. I shook my head and closed the door quickly. I tip toed up to Tobys room but she wasnt there.

Probably at the office. I did not know where that was. I assumed Eric and Matt were sleeping so I walked down the steps and towards the front door.

"Bee?" I heard my name and I jumped and turned around. Eric stood there and rubbed his eyes. Stood there in just his underwear.

"Eric put some clothes on" I spoke and covered my eyes. "Ok hold on don't leave" he spoke and I nodded. I heard his steps go up stairs so I put my hand down and went to the kitchen. I looked around but couldn't find anything and I heard foot steps again.

"Bee" I heard Jay and I turned around and he stood there with clothes on. "Hi Jay" I smiled and he blinked a couple times. "Hi" he nodded and he sat down at the bar.

"You want me to make you breakfast?" I asked and he nodded as he laid his head down. I nodded and smiled and I started to make food.

Eggs, toast, and I found some bacon. While I stired the eggs Eric came back down and he looked at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked and looked at the food. "Cooking. Jay was hungry. You can have some too" I told him and he nodded.

"When your done can you help me with a video?" He asked and I nodded. "Yea of course that's why I came over." I spoke and he smiled and nodded.

"Coffee Jay?" I asked and he picked his head up. "Bit of milk, scoop of sugar" I spoke and he nodded. I poured him coffee and passed it to him.

"Eric?" I asked and held up the pot of coffee. "I'll get it" Eric nodded and walked over. I continued to make food and I heard more foot steps.

Matt walked around the corner and sat down with out a word. "You want some food?" I asked him and he nodded with his eyes still closed. Mason finally came down and they all sat as I gave them food.

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