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I had my phone in hand and I walked to the park. There was a cold breeze that whipped through the air, but it was peaceful.

I saw the park and I saw Levi leaning against his car looking at me. He had a smile on his face and be walked towards me.

"Hey Honey Bee. It's been to long" he told me and I nodded and smiled. We walked back to his car and we got in.

"You wanna take a drive?" He asked me and I smiled and nodded. "Beatrix" he spoke and I turned and looked at him.

"You are completely stoned arent you." he smiled and shook his head. "Oh I am not. I know what is going on" I told him and my face turned red.

"You are so high" he pointed at me and laughed. I sighed and put my hands over my face as he chuckled.

"Come here. Come here its fine" I heard him say and his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me to him.

"I'm sorry" I told him and he rubbed my arm as I laid my head on his shoulder. "Dont be sorry." He spoke and I nodded.

"I like when your like this" he told me and I looked up at him. "Really?" I asked unsure and he nodded. "We can just sit here. I like when you fall asleep in my arms" he told me and I smiled and scooted closer to his warm body.

We sat there for a while and my eye lids were getting so heavy. "Hey Bee? You still awake?" I heard Levi's voice cut through.

"No" I spoke quietly and kept my eyes shut. "I should get you home" he told me and I smiled and sat up a bit.

"I can walk. Its ok" I told him and I scooted to the door. "No way I'm letting you walk. It's almost 3 in the morning" he spoke and grabbed my hand.

He started his car and we drove as close to the house as we could get it. I was sitting close to him with my head on his shoulder and I felt so tired.

"Levi" I spoke and I felt him looking at me. "What baby? You need some help?" He asked me and I nodded. "Please" I spoke and he chuckled and he got out and he some how managed to pick me up. One arm under my knees and the other under my back.

"So what was the drama with your family?" He asked me quietly as we walked up the block. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed.

"My mom called me and said that Cameron gave her my number. She said she was sorry" I told him and he was quiet.

"She said that she missed hearing my voice" I got quiet and somthing got stuck in my throat.

"She said that they all missed me so much and- and that they wanted me back" I spoke and a tear slid down my cheek.

"Why? Why would she say that. They hate me. I-I know that. I know I'm nothing to them" I spoke and he had stopped walking.

"Why did they make me feel like this?" I asked him and he set me down and he hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and I let tears flow down my cheeks.

"They cant hurt you anymore Beatrix" he told me calmly and held me tight. "They won't ever get to you again. They cant. They wont make you feel that way anymore" he spoke and I sniffed and my bottom lip quivered a bit.

"She said all that, but in the years living there no one even told me good night. Or-or ask how my day was. How could they change like that? How could she call me even though she put me through hell. They all did" I seethed and gritted my teeth together.

"It'll be alright Bee. You're here now, and safe. No one can ever hurt you" he told me and I held on to him as my legs felt like jello amd more tears washed over my face.

"I've got you. I got you, and I'll never let go" he spoke and I breathed and nodded. "I got you baby. Don't let go" he spoke and and I nodded again and backed up a step. "

Come on were almost to your house" he nodded his head and we went around the house and to the cracked window.

"I'm sorry that I broke down tonight I didnt know-" "Dont apologize for being open. For letting some one in. It was great to see you. The real you." He whispered and I smiled and nodded. I opened the window and I climbed in.

"Good night" I smiled and stuck my head out the window. "Scoot over I'm comin in too" he spoke and I laughed.

"I'm not joking. I gotta make sure your ok" he told me and I stopped and looked at him. "I'm fine I am. I'll text you in the morning" I told him and he smiled and shook his head.

"Scoot" he tilted his head and the side of his mouth curled up. I stepped back and in about 2 seconds he had climbed in to my room with no noise.

He turned and shut the window then turned and looked back at me. "Let's get in bed" he whispered so quietly I could barely hear him. We walked over to my bed and I laid down and he laid down on the other side of my bed.

We faced each other and his arm was around my waist and his other hand was holding both of my hands and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"You don't have to fight anymore. It's not about survival." He told me and I nodded. "I've never had a boy in my room" I told him and smiled.

"Oh really? I'm the lucky lad?" He smiled and raised his eye brows. I rolled my eyes and pulled away for a second.

"I am lucky" he spoke and pulled me close to his body. I closed my eyes as he held me close to him for the whole night. I heard him dose off and soon enough I joined him.

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