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"Bee!" I heard my name being called and I jumped as I heard footsteps. The door was flung open and Ryan stormed in.

"I'm sorry Ryan. I didn't know I didnt-" "Are you ok?" He asked and he stood in front of me. My mouth was open but no words came out.

"Bee" he said softly and my bottom lip quivered as a fresh set of tears brimmed in my eyes.

"Oh honey" he frowned and he sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. I laid my head on his shoulder and I tried to breath.

"I talked to Cameron" he told me. "He didn't do it. He didn't give your number up." Ryan shook his head and my breath was still shakey. "Then who? How did she get it? They didnt even know. They didnt know-" I shook my head and he nodded.

"I know." he spoke and I tried to hold back my tears. It was quiet and for a time we just sat there.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked me and I nodded. "Ok. Ok good let's go" he nodded and he stood up and I stood up. Jay, Mason, Eric, Toby and Matt were sitting at the table and they all looked at me as I stood up.

"I'm sorry. Jay" I told him and he stood up and shook his head. "Don't be. You couldn't have known" he told me and he handed me my phone. I nodded and looked at the ground. Ryan drove me home and walked me into the house.

"Bee?" Cameron called and he ran out of his room. He looked worried, confused, angry and over all overwhelmed.

"I didnt give-" "I know" I cut him off and nodded. "I know you didn't" I shook my head and he walked closer to me.

"You would never" I told him and a few tears fell down my cheeks. "Ok. You ok? Can I do anything?" Cameron asked and walked towards me.

"No. But I'm sorry that I had a break down. I didn't know it was her I never would have answered" I told them. "Like Jay said there was no possible way that you could have known. It's not your fault and we are all here for you" Ryan told me and I smiled weakly and nodded.

"I'm just gonna go to bed" I told them and they both nodded. "I'll see you in the morning. Good night" Cameron spoke and I smiled again more real this time and I walked to my room.

I closed the door and I took a deep breath. It was shakey but it helped. I walked over to my bed and I laid down and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


I woke up and it was still dark outside. I grabbed my phone and I had been covered up by the blankets on my bed. I clicked my phone on and squinted from the light. 2:40am. Great. I had some texts from Levi.

Levi: Hey honey Bee. Still wanna hang out?

Levi: Park? At 12?

Levi: You fell asleep didn't you lol. Good night Bee I'll talk to you in the morning. ;)

I was happy he wasn't mad. I didn't think I could take that right now. I breathed again and shut my phone off. I set it down and fell back asleep.


I woke up and I could see a little bit of sunshine through my curtains. I streached and I laid in my bed. I grabbed my phone and texted Levi.

Me: I'm really sorry. Family drama and I got worried and had a breakdown. We can meet tonight if you want??

Levi: Family? Like the guys or your actual family? I thought you said they were horrible to you? Is everything ok??

Me: My mom some how got my number and called me. I got worked up over nothing.

Levi: Its not nothing. You're ok right? Has she called again??

Me: Yes I'm ok I feel bad tho for skipping on you and no she hasnt called.

Levi: Good, and I've got work but yes tonight I would love to see you. ;)

Me: Its a date. Park. Midnight. :D

Levi: ;) cant wait.

I clicked off and just talking about what happened made my heart race a little bit. I shook it off and I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

It was around 9 in the afternoon and the house was quiet. Maybe hes reading. Old man. I smiled and shook my head before I opened the fridge and looked in to it. Nothing.

I sighed and I went back to my room. I decided to draw today. I got some stuff our and sat on my bed for a little bit before my phone buzzed. Levi

Levi: Hey Honey Bee. Wyd?

Me: Lol idk im still on spring break so nothing.

Levi: No manager stuff? :)

Me: Not right now lol.

I stared at the screen and I was getting a call from Cameron. I scrunched my eye brows and I answered it and held it up to my ear. It was quiet and I was gonna hang up but I heard someone laugh.

"Hello?" I asked and a jumble of voice es came through the phone.

"I told you it would work!" "All of us are here" "Holy fuck" "I didnt think she was gonna answer" and I heard laughing and all sorts of yelling.

"If some one doesn't tell me who this is in 5 seconds I'll gonna hang up" I sighed. "Bee no! Ryan figured out a way to call all of us at once." Eric seemed excited.

"Yea like walkie talkies!" Matt laughed. "Ok American boys. Calm down" Toby spoke.

"And how much time did it take all of you to call me?" I asked. "Well first I called Eric to see if he uh. If he wanted to hang out" Ryan told me.

"Then we wanted to see if Matt wanted to hang but we didn't wanna hang up" Eric spoke.

"So I decided to call Matt while I was talking to Eric" Ryan laughed and I rested my head in my hand and sighed.

"So then I got a call and picked up. They explain this to me and then we decied to call Mason" Matt spoke.

"Yea yea and then they told me how this was fucking goin and I thought it was the funniest thing cunt!" Mason laughed. Are they really gonna tell me who they called one by one. Geez.

"So after we called Mason we called Toby" Ryan spoke again. "I didn't think it was that cool" Toby spoke and I smiled a little bit.

"Yes you did cunt!" Mason spoke out. "It only got fun when you said we could call more people" Toby commented.

"So then we called the president but he didn't answer" Eric spoke and I shut my eyes and shook my head. "I told you he wouldn't" Cameron sighed.

"So after the president we called Cameron" Ryan set us back in course. "I was working doin my thing and the next think I know my phones ringing out of no where" Cameron spoke and they all laughed.

This is gonna be 20 minutes of my life I never get back.
Oh shit I'm zoning out.
I dont even know what there talking about. Shit I can't just start listening again.

"Bee you still there?" Ryan asked and I blinked a few times. "Yea yes I'm still here go on" I spoke. "What was the last thing I said?" Jay asked me.

Shit I didnt even hear him talk.

"You guys are idiots and called each other then called me just to explain the process." I spoke calmly. "Yea that's basically it" Mason laughed and then all of them started to laugh.

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