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"So where are we going to smoke?" Jack asked us. "Uh to our spot beside the old building?" Stella asked.

"Hot box the car or go in the building?" I asked. "Hot box the car" they all spoke in unison and we laughed. We got to our spot and unbuckled.

Stella lit a cigarette and Jack loaded a bowl. We smoked and ate cold pizza. "Oh shit we gotta go" Lucas coughed and looked at his watch.

"What time is it?" Stella asked worried. "Almost 9" Lucas told us. We started to put our shit away and Lucas backed up and rolled down the windows.

"Cigarette before go" Stella spoke and we all grabbed one and lit one and we sped down the gravel drive way. We got to school and parked in the lot.

"Shit did we make it?" Stella asked. "8:56. Yep" Lucas nodded and we walked in the doors.

"See you guys later. It's the last day in the fucking prison" Stella spoke and waved as she walked off. We all split off and the bell rang. The day felt like it was going slow but then it was lunch.

"Holy shit I feel like I just blinked half a day away" Jack sighed as he sat down beside Lucas. "I know." Stella sighed.

"I can't wait for graduation" Lucas smiled and we all nodded. We ate lunch and talked about shit. Then the bell rang and soon after the last bell of the day. The last bell I would hear for a long time.

I walked out the front doors and I looked around for Levi's car. Oh Levi. It's almost our 6 month. From the first time we met. He tried to cat call me in the street on the way to Ryan's.

I chuckled and shook my head. I don't know exactly when we started dating we just got here some how. And I love that.

"Need a ride short stuff" Lucas walked up behind me and spoke. "Levi is getting me" I told him and he nodded.

"Ah the boy friend. I'll see you later Bee" he smiled and walked down the steps to the lot. I stood there and Levi pulled up and I walked down the steps and got into his car.

"Hey" He smiled and we drove off. "How was your last day?" He asked me and I smiled.

"So great. I am gonna sleep in tomorrow" I told him and he chuckled.

"So what now?" He asked me and I shrugged. "College?" I shrugged and he smiled. "Maybe I'll become a cop" I held finger guns up and we both laughed.

He drove me back home and I leaned over and kissed him. "I'll see you later" he winked at me and I smiled. "Mmhh" I nodded and I got out of the car.

I wonder if he remembers. 6 months? No I don't care if he does. I walked inside the house and closed the door.

"Bee is that you?" Cameron called and he ran out of his room. "You finished high school" he raised his arms and I smiled and raised mine.

"I know. Thank god" I spoke and he chuckled. "Now you can collect debt and pass depression on your way out" he told me and we both laughed again.

"So what are you gonna do?" He asked me and I sighed and shook my head. "I don't really know" I told him and he hummed. "Honstly me either. You wanna smoke some hash and watch tv to kill brain cells?" He asked me and I looked at him and nodded.

"I do yes" I told him and he smiled. I got changed and I walked back out to the living room and Cameron was on the phone.

"Yea. Sounds cool. Ok like 10 minutes" Cameron nodded and he looked up at me and then hung up his phone.

"We are going to the whore house." He told me and I smiled. "Why?" I asked and hs scoffed.

"Cause Ryan is having a little thing for you cause this is your last day in school. There is already cooked food and we won't have to waste our weed" he raised his eye brows and I pursed my lips and nodded.

"Seems logical. Let's go" I told him. We grabbed some of our stuff and decided to walk there. We went to the house ate, drank, and watched movies while we smoked.

It was late and I was pretty tired. I was sitting in a chair and I had like 4 blankets on me. I slowly closed my eyes and I drifted to sleep.


My neck felt stiff. My whole body was wrapped up in a little ball. I shifted and stuck my legs out but they got cold.

I opened my eyes and I could see rain pouring outside the windows. I sat up and my shoulder hurt. My stomach grumbled as I looked around.

I didn't see anyone. It was dark out cause of the clouds. I looked around for my phone and I grabbed it and looked at it. 2:31pm. Lovely. I didn't see any of the guys and I stood up and stretched.

I walked to the kitchen. The rain was coming down hard and all the lights were off in the house. I searched in the fridge for a little bit, but nothing looked good.

I sighed and I went and sat back down on the couch. I was still a little bit hung over from last night. I curled up on the couch with a blanket and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Levi.

Levi: Hey baby. You wanna hang out? I've got a class at 8 tonight.

Me: Yea. :D where r u now?

Levi: I'm at my house. I'll come by and get you.

Me: I'm at the crack head house.

Levi: Be there in 20. ;)

I clicked my phone off and I stood up.

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