Chapter 59 - QnA

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Kyle's POV

I keep staring at my phone, waiting for a miracle that Lara will call me in any moment. Even after I left her the long and stupid voicemail a few days ago, I still have not heard from her. Since Keith has given me his permission to pursue Lara, I might as well go to London to get her back. That's right!

That's the only way to go, but first I need to catch a flight to New York to get all of my winter clothes. Or, I could just borrow Ethan's coat and go to London. I could buy clothes in London later. Yeah, that's a good idea. I am starting to shove my underwear on my bags when Keith walks in with a glass of Orange Juice in his hand.

"Dad, I got you orange...juice." He raises his eyebrow at the view. "Where are you going?"

"London." I answer.

"To do what?" He's staring at my white suitcase with a cynical smirk.

"To get back to her." I snort.

"Do you even know where she lives ?" Keith crosses his arms in front of his chest.

I scoff and stop my packing to answer his stupid question, "London, duh!"

"Where in London?" He marks the word 'London'

"..." Damn! I don't know.

"You don't know?!"

"What? I know she lives in London, I just don't know where it is." I feel so stupid.

Keith rolls his eyes at me, "Unbelievable!"

"What like, you know her exact address?" I copy his rolling eyes action.

"Duh!" Keith mocks me. "She doesn't even live in London.

"What? Where does she live then?"

"Herefordshire." He tells me.

I sit down on the edge of the bed to calm down. What is wrong with me? How could I not know that? Keith offers me the orange juice to help me out.

"Were you interested at all in her?" Keith gives me the disgust look.

"Of course! We didn't have so much time to talk you know." I clear my throat to get to the truth. "We usually occupied with something else."

"Sex?" Keith blurs out the obvious word in front of my ace.

"Wha... How..." I stammer in disbelief that my son is pretty confident to say that.

"Don't look at me like that! I am almost nineteen!" He puts his hands up in the air.

"Still eighteen." I correct him.

"So, you clearly didn't know anything about her. That's a very good start." He raises his thick eyebrows and gives me the side eye.

"I know a few things. I know that she only eats Mac and Cheese on her period." I proudly present my clever answer.

Keith rolls his eyes at me, "Yeah? What's her coffee order?"

Her coffee order? What's her coffee order? Shit! I only pay attention to her lips, not her order. C'mon, brain! Try to remember it. It's something with ice latte.

"Vanilla Latte!" I clap my hands together.

"With?" He asks an extra question to my answer.

"Whipped...cream?" I gulp.

"Extra shot!" He scoffs.

"Damn it!" I punch my own lap in disappointment.

"If she ever wants to get back to you again, just do some QnA to get to know her better. Like ten questions a day, that would help." Keith sits right next to me.

OVER THE RED (Book 1 of The Red Series)Where stories live. Discover now