Chapter 13 - Falling Down

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Playlist and Preview :

I Dare You by The Regrettes (Chapter Opening)

Eat Your Heart Out by Walk The Moon (The Ride to Work)

Crush by Tessa Violet (Dropping Lara Off)

Strangers by Sigrid (Lara in Kyle's Office)

Imagination by Foster The People (Chapter Finale)

Keith's POV

Morning is here. Seven o'clock on the dock and I am wide awake. No school. No Blake drama. Just doing nothing all day long, I guess. My dad is so hung over from last night though he got home by ten. He must have been drinking with Josh and Hayley. I never saw him drink that much, except for that morning. He looks like a crap bag.

"Dad!" I stop him from over pouring the milk in to Kennedy's bowl.

"Shit!" He curses under his breathe.

I roll my eyes at him and take over the feeding charge this morning. My dad thanks me with a little smile and heads upstairs to take a painkiller or something since he's been complaining about his head for the last ten minutes.

"I can't find my pink ribbon." Katherine comes up to me with a sad face.

"I'll search it for you. Just eat your breakfast, okay?" I sit her on the chair and slides the bowl to her.

"Keith, Keaton needs to change his diaper. I have to pee so bad." Kennedy hands Keaton to me and disappear within seconds.

"Okay!" I smile at him.

"Don't forget my ribbon." Katherine reminds me.

"Right!" I nod.

Thankfully, my dad comes back downstairs. I quickly walk to him then put Keaton in his arms. He is confused for a second.

"He needs a new diaper." I tell my dad.

"Can't you change it for me?" My dad drops his shoulders all the way to the floor.

"I need to find Katherine's pink ribbon." I ignore my dad's low energy and head to the laundry room.

I swear that I put the Ribbon in the laundry yesterday. God, as soon as I swing the door open, the image of Red is popping up in my head. I quickly shake it off and focus myself on finding Kat's pink ribbon. The dryer is opened. It means that someone already took out the dry clothes. Just to make sure, I pop my head into the dryer to look closely. There, her favorite ribbon lies.

"I got it!" I announce it to Kat.

Kat reaches out her hands over her bowl in the kitchen.

"Here!" I give it to her.

My dad gives up his hung over and asks me to call a cab to drive him to work.  He doesn't look fine, so I am a bit worried about him.

"Maybe you should take a day off." I suggest.

"No. I am fine." He grabs his bag. "You'll be home all day, right?"

"I have to work at one till six." I tell him. "Grandma will watch the kids."

"Isn't she in LA?" My dad rises her eyebrow.

"She and grandpa got home last night." I am sure they already told him, but whatever.

"Okay." He mumbles.

Despite of my suggestion to take a day off, my dad insists on leaving. He takes the cab to his office and leave us at home. As usual. I decided to clean up my room while Kennedy is holding a fake tea party with Katherine and Keaton in her room. Cleaning my room leads to my siblings' room and to the living room and to the kitchen. We never had someone to clean up the house before and probably never will because we never feel the need to have one.

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