Chapter 39 - Tug of War

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Kyle's POV

This is pointless and stupid. This is not good for my health and I need to pull over before I crush her car to leash out my anger. Lara doesn't say anything when I kill the car engine because she probably already knows that this is getting serious.

"I don't want to share you with anyone." I tell her.

"You're not sharing me with anyone." She finds my words funny.

"You keep going out with him, it seems like sharing to me." I hit the steering wheel lightly with my fist.

"Kyle, he's my friend! No more than that!" Lara gets back at me.

I drop my head low and shut my two eyes for a time to be calm. This can't be a moment to fight. Keith is my kid and her friend, though he is secretly in love with her but she doesn't know about that. As long as he keeps his mouth shut, Lara will never know.

"You're right!" I agree with her to be over with it.

"Right?!" She cups my cheek.

"Besides, we all are going to live together anyway, once we're married." The thought of her as my wife is so fantabulous.

"Uh huh!" Lara doesn't look like she is interested in this conversation.

"What?" I challenge her.

"What?" She plays innocent.

"You do want to get married, don't you?" I press her.

"Oh, yes." She is still avoiding eye contacts.

"But...?" I expect any continuation to her sentence.

"But not now." She drops the bomb on my face.

"WHAT!?" I lost it.

"It's not like we're going to get married right now!" She simply lifts up her shoulders.

She just said that she doesn't want to marry me in the near future. Why did she say that? Her words are like the guns which rains through my entire heart and I can't contemplate to continue this journey any longer.

"I am sorry." She extends her hands on mine.

I helplessly decline her touch and cover my embarrassing tears.

She begins again, "I told you from the very first beginning that I don't expect anything serious."

"How could you say that?" I reveal my tearful eyes to her.

"I did say that to you on our way home from the hospital, the day you passed out and you said that you wanted to take it slow too." She reminds me of our relationship conversation.

My brain still remembers vividly of our early commitment and we both agreed to take things slow, but that didn't mean that we're just playing. All this time, I am the one who shows the most affection in the relationship. That facts runs back to me like a boomerang.

"Do you even love me?" I am trying not to cry.

"Wh...?" She is surprised.

"Of course you don't! You never said that to me." I spit.

"Kyle, you know I do." Now her eyes are red too.

She is just playing with me, she is never real to me. I feel disgusted as I turn down her cold hands which once used to travel my body. This is so embarrassing and I can't even look at her. I choose to leave her car and walk myself as far as I can go from her.

"KYLE!" Her voice are calling my name.

Don't look back! I keep telling myself to just walk away no matter what. With her gracious presence, I will fall right back into her trap. What's best for now is just for me to walk away. My feet are longer than hers so, I am sure that she won't be able to catch up with me. The chances are she is going to get back in the car and turn it around to get me or she's just going to leave me when her legs are tired.

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