Chapter 4 - Laundry

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Lara's POV

The girls are currently waiting on my couch while I am taking a quick shower in my house. I literally looked like a mess earlier. I can't believe I looked like that and baked some cupcakes in a man's house that I barely met.

I shake off my thoughts and get out of the shower. I put my moisturizer and some concealer then put on some powder on my face. I bronze it real quick and put on some mascara and leave my thick eyebrows unbothered for today. I finish my look with a nude lipstick.

I dress myself with a thin white blouse and a pair of blue jeans. Then, I am rushing downstairs to get the girls.

"Okay, are you guys ready?" I announce myself.

The girls are watching a cartoon on my TV.

They are not just sweet but they are fun too. I am enjoying myself laughing with them on our way to the school. First, I drop Katherine and wave her goodbye. Then, we are going straight to Kennedy's school.

"This is it!" I say to her when we arrived.

"Thank you, Lara." She tries to be cheerful but fail.

"Is something wrong?"

"No." Lie.

"Bye, Lara!" She gets off the car and wave.

She does not look okay. She was fine before. As I watch her walking her way down to the building I realize now that she has to sale those cupcakes alone now. I wish I don't have a stupid soft spot for things like this. One, it's none of my business. Two, I've done my part.

"Kennedy! Wait up!" I lock my car and run to her.

She looks at me in full of confusion mode.

"Let's go sale some cupcakes together!" I put on my cheer up voice mode.

"Really?!!" Her face is brightens.

"Yeah. It's going to be fun!!" I take the cupcakes from her.

"Thank you!" She hugs me real tight.

Kennedy leads me to the Auditorium where there are so many people already and it's not really great for my anxiety. I am calming myself down as I am trying to force a smile on my face so I won't look stupid.

Finally, we made it to our spot. I am setting up the cupcake nicely and look around. There are more than one kid behind every table around us but Kennedy is the only kid with me.

"I don't really have friends." Kennedy says.

She can read mind or what?

"What?" I pretend to not thinking about that.

"My only best friend went to other school." She looks so sad.

"Don't worry! It's better to have one real friend than a hundred of fake friends."

She is looking at me like I am some kind of miracle or something. She must has been suffered for being alone in this school. She's just like me, I don't have a lot of friends.

We set aside the sad story and start selling this scrumptious cupcakes. We manage to sell twelve cupcakes so far. One guy came up earlier and bought eight cupcakes and flirted with me. EW! Then the other four was sold one by one. Nice. We only need to sell the last eight cupcakes.

"Hi, Kennedy!" A blonde woman with a hideous brown midi dress comes up to us.

"Hi, Mrs. Price!" Kennedy tries to be polite.

"I'd like to have two cupcakes, please!" She is bitching at me, hanging her two dollar bills in front of my face.

I don't bother, really. I take the money and pack her cupcakes.

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