Chapter 49 - Come Back Home

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Keith's POV

I feel like I am filming Home Alone 2 right now as I am running on the airport with the kids. Somehow, my grandparents missed their alarm which automatically made us wait for them. I hate being late even though I am not going on the plane with them. Luckily they still have a few minutes left to board the plane.

Each and every one of them squeeze me one by one. I wave my hand to all of them when the look back to wave at me and my dad.

"Are you going to be home all day?" My dad suddenly asks me on our way out.

"Yeah. I am still tired from editing those videos last night alone."

"I thought you were editing with Michael." My dad sounds shock.

"No, Michael will edit a few more today. We prerecorded a bunch of video to be uploaded on the holiday. You know, to keep the schedule running." I explain to my dad, but he seems confused.

"We don't want to take a break on the holiday, even though we don't want to film on the holiday. So, we did a few videos before as a stock, kind of. Then, we will upload them as scheduled." I try my best to get him a clue of what prerecorded is.

"So, you won't record anything on the holiday, but you still have some videos to be uploaded because you already recorded them before." My dad tries to confirm it.

"Exactly." I snap my fingers.

"I get it."

"Thank God!" I roll my eyes.

"Here! You take my car." My dad hands me his car key.

"Where you going?" I take the key anyway.

"I have plans. So, you have to go home by yourself." My dad says.

"Plans? Didn't Uncle Josh and his family go to Hawaii?

"Yes. Drive safe!" My dad taps me on the shoulder.

Before I could say anything, my dad has already gone. Where is he going? Well, it's still early in the morning, and I don't have the energy to be all suspicious. I leave on my own and drag my feet to the parking lot. The ride back home will be long and boring, I can tell.

This is the very first time for me to hate on the holiday season because Red will be far away in England for the rest of the season. I couldn't even get one single round trip ticket to get to her because every single airline is fully booked. Even the first class. Guess I'll just have to wait until she comes back.

I wish I could have said goodbye to Red in person this morning.  Not that I blame my grandparents nor Kat who lost her ribbon again for that, I just simply missed the chance to give her a big bear hug this morning.

Now that I only can stare at her house, what should I do? Even without her, her house looks so dull and empty. I park my dad's car in the garage and quickly let myself into the house to avoid the cold wind that blows.

"Fuck!" I hiss to get rid of the cold out of my body.

I turn the heater on then make myself a hot chamomile tea to keep me warm. Chamomile tea is Red's favorite, with an addition of one tablespoon of fresh milk. To enjoy the tea properly, I climb the stair and walk into my room to grab Red's book, Not Your Sleeping Beauty. I have finished it two months ago, but I have been wanting to read it again.

With my back resting on the wall, I sit on the window sill and put the tea right next to me. Once I open the book, I could see my name on the list of the thanks to section. My name is listed at the very end of it because she discovered me on the process of editing it. Still, it put a wide smile on my face.

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